Sunday, August 19, 2012

Official Site: Lux's Ult Finally Changed to Final Spark

As many of you have noted, we fail to reach the purpose of renaming Lux's ult.
Our intentions were good. We want our champion ability names to be clear, easy to read, and understandable to our players. Infinite Light did that. On the other hand, we absolutely misunderstood the level of sentimental attachment you guys had to the origins and meanings behind Finales Funkeln.
We have been listening over the past few days (but not responding enough, sorry about that), and thinking about options. We've been looking for a solution preserves readable for all our players, while still being true to aspects of Lux that you care deeply about.
So our proposal for a better name is "Final Spark" for the following reasons:
Many of you have suggested Final Spark as a better name for Lux's ult
Final Spark is pretty literal translation of Finales Funkeln from German to English
Final Spark is clear and understandable, and it doesn't cause head scratching if you don't get the reference.
The name is a strong homage to Lux's origins
We are going to be watching this thread to understand how you feel about this change. If the community is behind this, I'll work towards renamed Lux's ult for next patch.
TL;DR Final Spark - we cool?
Attached poll is the result for name of Lux's ult.

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