Thursday, August 30, 2012

Introduce the heros of LOL

Long before the League's regulation of such magic, mages experimented with the creation of artificial life. Now forbidden, instilling golems with reason was once not so uncommon a practice amongst the more expert of craftsmen. One such visionary was the Demacian artificer, Durand. Peerless at crafting sentient beings, Durand's constructs served as tireless guardians for the border towns of his beloved city-state, affording them protection from their Noxian neighbors. For his own defense, however, Durand kept his magnum opus: Galio. This mighty construct - forged in the image of a gargoyle - kept him safe on his journeys, allowing him to perform his important work without fear of reprisal from those hostile to his homeland. That is, until dealing with his taxing sentinels finally roused the ire of the Noxian High Command.As Durand crossed the Howling Marsh with his masterwork in tow, he was set upon by Noxian assassins in force. Outnumbered and overwhelmed, Galio looked on in horror as the murderers cut down his charge, executing him swiftly before vanishing back into the mists. Stripped of his reason for being, Galio despaired. For years he remained in solitude, standing vigil over the bones of the master he had failed to protect... a literal monument to his own everlasting shame. Then, one nondescript day, a sad but determined yordle girl carrying a mighty Demacian crown stopped in the shadow of a great statue to rest. Hidden in plain sight from his unsuspecting visitor, Galio studied the forlorn yordle. She looked as though she too shouldered a tremendous burden. As quietly and as stoically as she had arrived, she departed in the direction of Demacia. This encounter lit a spark in Galio's eye. Remembering the cause that his master had died defending, Galio arose from his silent purgatory and followed in the wake of this brave creature. He had a new reason to live: to join the League of Legends and fight for the will of Demacia.''There is no such thing as redemption. Only penance.''

There is a place between dimensions and between worlds. To some it is known as the Outside, to others it is the Unknown. To most, however, it is called the Void. Despite its name, the Void is not an emptyplace, but rather the home of unspeakable things, horrors not meant for minds of men. Though such knowledge is lost in modern times, there are those who have unwittingly discovered what lies beyond, and they have been unable to turn away. Kassadin is such a creature. He was once a man forced to look upon the face of the Void and forever changed by what he saw. Once a seeker of forbidden knowledge, he discovered that what he sought was something else entirely. He is one of the few that has found his way to forgotten Icathia and lived to tell the tale, following the scant breadcrumbs hidden in ancient texts.Within a decaying cyclopean city, Kassadin found secrets of the kind that he will never share - secrets that made him quake with fear at the visions of things to come that were thrust upon him. The power of the place threatened to consume him forever, but Kassadin took the only route available to him in order to survive - he let the Void inside him. Miraculously, he was able to overcome the alien urges that went with it, and he emerged as something more than human. Though a part of him died that day, he knows that he must protect Valoran from the things scratching at the door, waiting to get in and visit their torments upon the world. They are only one step away... something to which the appearance of the abomination known as Cho'Gath attests.If you look upon the Void, you can't put it behind you. If you look upon Kassadin, he is probably already there.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

TI2 Winners Bracket Released

The International 2 starts on August 27th in Seattle. After three days of 112 preliminary group stage matches, The International 2012 is ready to walk the final mile.
The double elimination playoffs will have Bo3 matches in the winners bracket but Bo1's in the losers, meaning every defeat will be fatal for the teams down below. Below is the detailed bracket list.
 Winners Bracket:
 source:dota2 fansite

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Introduce the Heros of Dota2


"An unyielding avatar of the moon's power, Diana wages a dark crusade against the sun-worshipping Solari. Though she once sought the acceptance of her people, years of futile struggle shaped her into a bitter,ter, resentful warrior. She now presents her foes with a terrible ultimatum: revere the moon's light, or die by her crescent blade. Though she was born to the Solari, Diana's inquisitive nature set her apart from her brethren. She had always found solace and guidance in the night sky, and questioned the dominance of the sun in her society. The Solari elders responded to her challenges with only derision and punishment. Diana remained convinced, however, that if she could find evidence of the moon's power, the elders would listen to reason. For years, she studied Solari archives in solitude until she discovered an encoded message hidden in an old tome. This clue led her to a secluded valley on Mount Targon where she unearthed the hidden entrance to an ancient, sealed temple. Inside, among aging relics and faded murals, she found an ornate suit of armor and a beautiful crescent blade, both inscribed with sigils of the moon. Diana donned the armaments and returned to the Solari elders that night. She declared that the artifacts proved others had once worshipped the moon as she did. Her discovery of evidence challenging Solari dominion shocked the elders. To Diana's horror, they pronounced her a heretic and condemned her to death. As the elders prepared her for execution, Diana's anger and sorrow overwhelmed her desire for acceptance. She lifted her gaze to the sky, calling upon the moon for strength. Lunar power surged within her and she shattered her bindings. Raising her relic blade, she turned and slaughtered the elders. With the temple in ruins behind her, Diana resolved to destroy all those who would deny the power of the moon. ''The sun does not reveal truth. Its light only burns and blinds.''
"Longing to take control of her fate, the ancient, dying plant Zyra transferred her consciousness into a human body for a second chance at life. Centuries ago, she and her kind dominated the Plague Lands,using thorns and vines to consume any animal that set foot in their territory. As the years passed, the animal population steadily died off. Food became increasingly scarce, and Zyra could only stand by helplessly as the last of her kin withered away. She thought she would perish alone, until the appearance of an unwary sorceress presented her with an opportunity for salvation. It was the first time in years Zyra had sensed a creature wander so close. Hunger drew her to the sorceress, but some other, deeper instinct compelled her. She enveloped the woman in thorns with ease, but as she savored this final meal, foreign memories invaded her thoughts. She saw great jungles of metal and stone where humans and animals thrived. Potent magic surged through her vines, and she devised an elegant but risky plan to survive. Using the woman’s memories, Zyra poured her newfound magic into the creation of a human-shaped vessel. She didn’t know what sort of world awaited her, but she had nothing left to lose. When Zyra opened her eyes, she was overwhelmed by the raw power ready at her fingertips. It wasn’t until she noticed the shriveled remains of the plant she once was that she realized how vulnerable she had become. If this body died, there would be no network of vines to retreat through, no roots to regrow her...but she felt truly alive. She beheld the world for the first time as animals did, and a dark smile crept across her lips. She was reborn, and there was so much now within her grasp. ''Closer to the flower, closer to the thorns.''

Monday, August 27, 2012

Look,There is a LOL Interview- damage is strong & Old Skins are really bad

Q: Is true-damage too strong to be in the game?

A: It is indeed very strong, but you have to decide if it's overpowered for each ability individually. If skills like karthus' ultimate would be true damage it would indeed be overpowerd. Most of the true damage skills are melee, with vayne's silver bolts being the only exception. But If vayne wants to trigger the true damage she has to attack the same target thrice This is rather hard in team fights where switching targets is a common occurrence.

Q: Are you guys planning to bring Twisted Tree up to the same standards as Summoners Rift?

A: Our main focus is summoners rift, but we will try to update it soon. We are balancing the game around 5v5. It is the most popular map and we don't want to split up the community. There are quite a few remakes/remodels in the works, but I can't tell you which.

Q: Are you guys bringing out some new skins for the 'older' champion?

A: Yes we are, but not any time soon. Creating a new, nice looking skin for a champion with an old base model is like doing the same job twice.

Q: Why did you remove the older legendaries from the store?

A: To be honest, they were pretty bad. They didn't have any new animations, voices or anything at all.

Q: How often do deviate from the original concept of a champion, and if so how do you guys decide this?

A: We change around a lot, this is mostly done in team meeting, for Syndra as an example we tested out a grand total of 14 different skills,

She doesn't even have any of the skills that we started testing with.

Q: In what order do you guys work, do you get a voice for the champion first and start creating a model/concept around it or do you guys hire someone based on what you think the champion should sound like?

A: It depends, sometimes we hear a voice and just think 'we should use this!' but most of the time we have anywhere between 20 to 40 do an audition for a role.

In this process we record some lines, they don’t have to be the final ones that go out with release.

Q: I noticed that Ahri looks like it is based on Naruto, Shen is based on sub-zero. Do you guys actively drawn inspiration from other games/movies?

A: Well, first of all to clear some things up, Ahri is based on Korean folk lore, not Naruto. Most of the rioters are actually gamers, anime watchers and love reading a book or two so yea, sometimes we get inspired by these activities. Everyone loves archtypes like Cho'Gath, the world eating monster or Karthus as an undead lich.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

9 Things Before Patch 5.0: Are You Ready?

It is time for new version again, and I believe you guys have been looking forward to the new expansion after the CTM version. The players cannot wait any longer, and they want to experience new pet battle system, combats of some scenes and so on at once. So what should we prepare for the upcoming of WOW patch 5.0? Now I will give you some clues.

Location of logout

It seems ok with any location but I have paid a heavy price due to this. I placed my character in some place of Barrens randomly before the CTM version and I planned to experience the new version the next day since it went alive. But it turned out to be a huge mistake: endless mana bar lag and disconnected. It took me a long time to solve the problem. And When I logged in again, I found my friends had upgraded to level 81...
The first quest of alliance and horde begins from the room of King of Stormwind and room of Thrall of Orgrimmar separately. Players can just place their characters in Orgrimmar or Stormwind.
But I suggest setting characters in places with great population, though old continent has not been changed a lot in patch 5.0. Be careful to avoid the tragedy.
Point exchange

The official site also released the issues on the point exchange of valor/justice. And I'm sure that points and reputations will be converted into gold at this moment. So you can exchange equips with these points or reputations. What? No equip for you? Then exchange to gems so that you can sell them for money.
Never change server randomly
Players cannot get any kind of realm first in 2 months because of server change and this is horrible for achievement fans. If you want to challenge on server with few users, you should change earlier. Do not rush to change server just because of this article. You should remember the fact that you are unable to get any kinds of realm first in 2 months.
It's unwise to change server, party or races randomly. Here's an example right after the CTM went alive. Some player changed his race to Worgen since there was no hope for his original race to get realm first. And he expected to get server first Worgen.
But he forgot the fact that he cannot get any kind of realm first in 2 months.
Selection on daily quest
Many players saved 25 daily quests so that they can upgrade to level 71 quickly when Wrath of the Lich King was alive. But for MOP version, they are of no importance actually after those expansions. In old versions, you can hand in daily quests, go back to main city and then teleport or take the boat to new map. At this moment you will be in the situation that you cannot complete daily quest without monsters kill. Actually we can go to the new map directly and receive quests. You and your team can go to chapter two of new area so that other players will lag behind.
More quest XP and rewards are added to new map, and you also have more time to pick materials and cloth in new area. As closed beta of MOP version has been alive for so long, you can also refer to players' experience. Choose the right way to level up and prepare items such as potions so that you can better prepared for the new version.
The update of the game
It is impossible that there is no patch in version 5.0.
Pay attention to new version information
Stick with latest news so that you can better prepare for the new version.
With careful preparation, we now provide you with all kinds of guides of new version, from dungeon, pet battle, and achievement acquisition to rare drops. How to learn new profession? Where is the unique transmogrification? What's the location of hidden Blizzard eggs, or new mechanism talents and output method of all classes? Please stick with us for more changes on new version.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Blade & Soul Guide: Combos Analysis & Application

In Blade & Soul, it's of great importance to control BOSS. But BOSS is different from normal monsters, and players need to cast 2 debuff of the same effect.
Debuff: knock back, knock down, stun, groggy, dominate, frozen, slow, aerial, etc.
And only knock down, stun and groggy of all classes can interrupt BOSS's skills.
When you land a skill with knock down effect, a green shadow of BOSS will appear. Then your teammate casts a skill to knock down the BOSS and you will successfully defeat him.
Different colors will appear based on different debuff. And here's the simplest recognition method for combos casting.
Knock down - Green

There are many usages for combos. Here are two examples.
1. E.g Hulei BOSS's Chi Chok. Champions who are grabbed cannot counter and players need to help them out with combos.
2. Teammates cast combos to knock down BOSS. And destroyer land Grab, then you can output damage together.
Examples of skill combos (the same class can cast the same skill to form combos)
Knock down: Blast (Assassin) + Leg Sweep (Kung-fu master)
Stun: Kick (Blade master) + Clash, Charge, etc (Destroyer)
Groggy: Iron Cannon (Destroyer) + Instant Strike (Kung-fu master)
Knock back: Push (Force master) + Blow (Assassin)

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Production Profession Mossy Gate(태상문)Guide

 Once players reach the top level, they tend to exchange Bo Pae pieces with other Bo Pae pieces. They have to combine a set of Bo Pae pieces together in order to get into dungeons. The job is profitable. Blue Bo Pae pieces are the major product in the market. Maybe the purple pieces will be the major product when the top level rises.
First is the synthetic stone. Required materials are:
1.       Wood: gather by lumbering team. Difficulty: 1
2.       Same level essence. Gather in the dungeon. Difficulty: 1
3.       Soulstone. Difficulty: 2
4.       The bone of Red Boar. Difficulty: 3
Take level 45 as example: 24 synthetic stones are needed to combine a set of Bo Pae pieces. The cost is 3 gold and you can sell it at 5 gold.
Blue invisible Bo Pae needs:
1.       Green Bo Pae Pieces
2.       Eyeball of Kuluo. Can get by decomposing the weapon dropped by Suwa Palace Boss. Difficulty: 2
3.       Advanced coagulator. Produce in pottery. Difficulty: 1
4.       Fire Beast’s horn. Can get by decomposing the weapon dropped by the Fire Beast. Difficulty: 2
The invisible Bo Pae is with low stats. However, it’s very good to improve skill experience.
The materials needed to make Bo Pae Pieces are:
1.       Wood. Difficulty: 1
2.       Bo Pae powder. Can get by decomposing same level Bo Pae pieces. Difficulty: 1
3.       Normal coagulator. Produce in pottery
The cost is only 3-4 silver. You can sell at least 15 silver.
Blue Bo Pae pieces have high demands in late game. The required materials are:
1.       Green Bo Pae pieces. Difficulty: 1
2.       Eyeball of Kuluo. Difficulty: 2
3.       Soulstone. Difficulty: 2
4.       Bone of deer. Gather by hunting team. Difficulty: 1.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Development over 5 Years: Blade & Soul Timeline

Preface of Blade & Soul
2007: Project M (working title) came forth along with the success of Lineage, Lineage and AION.
Nov 21st, 2007
Blade & Soul first appeared in the public as Project M.
NCSoft CEO Taek Jin Kim released the Battle Sequence Movie of Project M at his speech in Seoul National University.
Taek Jin Kim told the story of his experience as a student of Seoul National University to NCSoft CEO and things after the company foundation at his speech. To display the result in future technology of NCSOFT, he also released the Battle Sequence Movie of Project M.
The movie includes game content for about three minutes in which splendid scenary and vivid characters attract all audience's attention. And students think highly of the waving outfit and dense background.
In all it's a fantasy game of Chinese martial-art with oriental world outlook. Combats among characters show splendid martial-art and turtle and monsters in ancient oriental mythology will appear as giant monsters.
Kim spoke with pride at his speech that Project M revealed the future of NCSOFT.
2008: After sinking for almost a year, Project M appeared again and it was official named as Blade&Soul.
May 15th, 2008: NCsoft revealed that Blade&Soul will be released in July at Korean game industry seminar.
Jul 21st, 2008: NCsoft released Project M countdown poster.
Jul 31st, 2008: NCsoft officially released Project M at Korean game exhibition - ShowCase. This 3DMMORPG is a martial arts fantasy aiming to bring fresh amusement other than monotony to players. It's planned to reflect new MMORPG by extending things completed by characters in game. An oriental style world with by featured scenes, various kinds of stories integrated with martial-art world outlook and the never experienced enhanced action, all these will bring players wholly different experience. Blade & Soul is developed by chief development officer of Lineage and their art designers are famous screen designers.
This time a large amount of game scenes are revealed and the delicate scenes and powerful attack cause great sensation.
Mar 19th, 2009: NCsoft first released the beta time of Blade & Soul - the fourth season of the year 2009, and recruitment announcement - recruit for Blade & Soul personal version.
Apr 12th, 2009: the develop group held the press conference and released 8 game system including classes, races and Qing Gong.
Aug 8th, 2009: NCsoft revealed the delay of Blade & Soul schedule and its CBT at the conference of the first two seasons in July.
In November, 2009 NCsoft attended the Korean yearly game exhibition - G-star with Blade & Soul in seoul.

Feb 9th, 2012: Taek Jin Kim, NCsoft CEO said confidently at the conference that Blade & Soul would have the first beta at the first half of the year and OBT would be in 2011.
Mar 8th, 2010: Blade & Soul official site released weapon materials and artworks of four classes.
May 7th, 2010: NCsoft announced Blade & Soul would be postponed to July and OBT time was undetermined. Two days later, NCsoft again announced the delay of the first beta and it was temporarily on the fourth season.
Nov 12th, 2012: The yearly Korean game exhibition G-star began. And NCsoft announced the news of Taro Iwashiro as music OST producer of Blade & Soul.
Jan 18th. 2011: NCsoft played a big joke with us. It said the news that NCsoft would develop Blade & Soul IPhone edition last year was actually a joke and Blade & Soul Video/Console edition would still be developed by Unreal Engine 3.
In February 2011, NCsoft held the 2010 fourth season financial report conference and the climax appeared: Blade & Soul would have its first test in April and OBT was among August and October.
Feb 18th, 2011: NCsoft interview. The first day of interview, people were shocked by a great news: 60% of Blade & Soul development were already completed.
Apr 27th, 2011: Blade & Soul (KR) first beta was alive.
Aug 16th, 2012: Blade & Soul Chinese server enabled the CBT 1.

Monday, August 20, 2012

GW2 Beginners' Guide: How to Level Fast?

In GW2, you can obtain corresponding less XP when you just kill the monsters. And when you discover a new area, you will find locations with icons. It's the goal of GW2 to complete these quests (namely exploration and adventure) and the fastest way to level up.

Detailed explanation is as follows,
1. Hearts  mark the location of incomplete and complete regional tasks. To find nearby hearts, simply explore the map or talk to a scout NPC. Often the task is to kill monsters and water flowers, and sometimes there are also some funny puzzle games. After completing, your XP will increase rapidly! You will receive the quest directly instead of finding NPCs first. Open the mailbox after completing quests, you will find thank-you letters and gold from NPCs.
2. Waypoints  (locked, active, or contested). Locked waypoints will be displayed on the compass and map, and approaching the waypoint will unlock it for that character. After unlocking waypoints, you will spend little money for map travel.  
3. Points of interest  (undiscovered and discovered). These are notable locations within the world of Tyria. Such places are worth visiting for they can often trigger dynamic events or you may encounter NPC for main quests.
4. Skill Icon . There are few differences among weapon of the same level in GW2 so characters' skills become quite important. The only way to gain skill points is to receive challenges indicated on your map by a blue skill icon during the process of map exploration. After completing these skill challenges, you will get skill points.
5. Undiscovered and discovered Vistas . You will gain little XP if you reach there, but there may be particular dynamic events and even treasures. Before each Vista usually lies a jumping puzzle players have to overcome to reach it.
6. Location of a personal storyline task . Just follow these icons and you will complete personal storyline task easily.
7. You can even expect additional bonus after accomplish all quests of the same area.
8. Remember to buy all collection tools (axe, sickle, etc). You will find all kinds of mineral resources in the map which are all with high XP, and mining while exploring.
9. Reach area of the same level of other races and complete quests after the completion of your own race in GW2.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Official Site: Lux's Ult Finally Changed to Final Spark

As many of you have noted, we fail to reach the purpose of renaming Lux's ult.
Our intentions were good. We want our champion ability names to be clear, easy to read, and understandable to our players. Infinite Light did that. On the other hand, we absolutely misunderstood the level of sentimental attachment you guys had to the origins and meanings behind Finales Funkeln.
We have been listening over the past few days (but not responding enough, sorry about that), and thinking about options. We've been looking for a solution preserves readable for all our players, while still being true to aspects of Lux that you care deeply about.
So our proposal for a better name is "Final Spark" for the following reasons:
Many of you have suggested Final Spark as a better name for Lux's ult
Final Spark is pretty literal translation of Finales Funkeln from German to English
Final Spark is clear and understandable, and it doesn't cause head scratching if you don't get the reference.
The name is a strong homage to Lux's origins
We are going to be watching this thread to understand how you feel about this change. If the community is behind this, I'll work towards renamed Lux's ult for next patch.
TL;DR Final Spark - we cool?
Attached poll is the result for name of Lux's ult.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Look! Player DIY Race Leaders Themed Poker

A player spent one month painting the amazing race leader themed poker.
The inspiration of Diamond comes from mana gem in WOW. Mana gem is indispensable on many magical weapons. Here I choose mana gem as the representative of knowledge and spell. Blood Elf, Draenei and Gnome all have strong desire for spell and knowledge. This set of pictures maintains the original shape of Diamond and adds the shape of gem on the staff.
The inspiration of Club comes from the maple leaf. In WOW, the nature plays a very important role. Each of the heroes’ action influences or improves the balance of the nature. Represented by Night ELF, Tauren and Troll, they all worship and rely on the nature. This set of pictures maintains the original shape of Club and mixed with the nature shape of maple leaf.
The inspiration of Heart comes from the bow in WOW. In reality, bow represents the wars in cold-weapon periods and barbaric clan. So here bow represents for war and barbarity. Orc, Lifeless and Goblin are all representatives of wars who are driven by all kinds of interest. This set of pictures maintains the original shape of Heart and mixed with the shape of bow.
The inspiration of Spade comes from the hammer. In WOW, hammer represents for strength, power and construction. Human, Worgen and Dwarven are representatives of civilization and order. This set of pictures maintains the original shape of Spade and adds the shape of hammer.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Destroyer Skill Build Guide

Skills vary after leveling and the players need to select them based on different circumstances. As the difficulty of dungeons and quests improve, the combat will be more difficult if you ignore skill build. We provide you with the guide of destroyer as follows,
1. Use Clash and Grab to quickly decrease opponent HP. End the battle with Trample before devastating attacks by enemies.
2. Cast Iron Cannon to quickly move close to ranged opponent, then employ Axe Toss in Grab state.
3. Enemy in Grab state: Headbutt deals damage to target, downing them in the process. While Axe Toss deals damage to both the target and monsters after downing if monsters exist.
4. Target of Grab will be out of control if players fail to cast another skill after Grab.
5. Grab of destroyer can only be available to humanoid opponents. Since it's ineffective to monsters enemies, it will be a little difficult to counter them.
Pay attention to the use of disables so that more choices can be made in combat. And enjoy landing consecutively skills in Blade & Soul.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Patch 5.0 Alliance Gamon: Non-Battle Pet Crithto

Obscurity Gamon is famous for being defeated by Horde players. In Cataclysm, Gamon even becomes level 85 elite. Numerous players challenge it. In Mist of Pandaren, Horde players will have their own Gamon. In the previous version, the non-battle pet Crithto wandering near Stormwind City levels up to 90.
The dog not only levels up to 90, his combat ability improves a lot. In 5.0 beta, some mage players died under only two bites.
Maybe there will be Alliance raid player challenge it after Mist of Pandaren is live.

Monday, August 13, 2012

The latest champion Hecarim and his items, points added and strategies

Since his first sighting on the northwestern shores of Valoran, the towering, armored specter known as Hecarim struck a chilling fear into the hearts of all who laid eyes upon him. No one had ever seenthing like his titanic, ethereal form before, and the mystery of his sudden arrival was deeply unnerving. When Hecarim began to march eastwards, leaving a trail of desolate, lifeless ground behind him, the villagers of the plains fled their homes for the safety of nearby Demacia. In the city's now-overcrowded taverns, rumors about this inhuman phantom spread in hushed whispers. Some claimed that he was the vengeful shade of an ancient warrior, intent on destroying all living beings; one man insisted that they had seen him leading an entire legion of spectral cavalrymen; others still believed him to be the creation of some hateful necromancer. One Demacian commander, seeking to dispel the terror that had gripped the city, assembled a few of his finest soldiers and rode out to turn back or destroy Hecarim.The commander led his soldiers to stand in Hecarim's path and braced for his assault. As the apparition bore down on them, an overwhelming sensation of dread gripped the warriors. The men, frozen in fear, could only scream as the ghostly titan ran them down, tearing them apart and trampling them beneath his iron hooves. Hecarim turned to the crippled, cowering commander and uttered a chilling statement: ''This is merely the beginning. No mortal army can withstand the might of the Shadow Isles.'' With that, Hecarim departed, resuming his grim march. Driven to insanity by his nightmarish experience, the commander stumbled back to Demacia, where his dire warnings were dismissed as the ravings of a madman. While Hecarim's origin and intent were still a mystery, his destination became clear when he reached the Institute of War and, in a voice both ominous and commanding, demanded entry into the League of Legends.''You don't understand...the shadows will consume us all...'' - Former Demacian Commander

Sunday, August 12, 2012

The latest champion Viktor and his items, points added and strategies

Hi,guys I saw some good things about LOL from
Early in life, Viktor discovered his passion for science and invention, particularly in the field of mechanical automation. He attended Zaun's prestigious College of Techmaturgy and led the team thatructed Blitzcrank - a scientific breakthrough that he expected to vault him to the top of his profession. Unfortunately his triumph was usurped by Professor Stanwick, who stole credit for developing Blitzcrank's sentience and later used Viktor's research to revive Urgot. Viktor's appeals for justice fell on deaf ears, and he sank into a deep depression. He withdrew from the College and barricaded himself in his private laboratory, cutting all human ties. There, in secret, he conceived a project for which nobody else could claim credit. Desiring both to revolutionize his field and to eliminate the jealous human emotions which festered inside him, he engineered parts to replace and improve his own body.When Viktor re-emerged, almost no trace of the original man remained. Not only had he supplanted the majority of his anatomy, but his personality had changed. His previous hope to better society was replaced by an obsession with what he called ''the glorious evolution.'' He saw himself as the patron and pioneer of Valoran's future – a future in which man would renounce his flesh in favor of superior hextech augmentations. Though Viktor's initial appeals were met with heavy skepticism, scientists were confounded by the sophistication of his machinery. By integrating his mind with techmaturgical devices, he had been able to drastically accelerate the progress of his research. His transformation had stripped him of what he perceived as his emotional weaknesses, but there was some lingering residue of resentment against the Professor. Viktor joined the League of Legends to pit his inventions against the greatest opponents Valoran could offer, and to correct any weaknesses or inefficiencies that remained.''In one's hand, techmaturgy is a tool. As one's hand, it is liberation.''

Friday, August 10, 2012

Patch 1.04 Developer Blogs Coming Soon

Bashiok officially released the overview of patch 1.04. We will see multiple articles including Magic Find Update, Class Changes, System Changes, Legendary Item Improvements and Patch Notes. Coming soon!

The Diablo III developers have been hard at work on some exciting new features and updates for the game. Many of you have asked for more details, and we're busily preparing several developer blogs filled with information on what's coming in patch 1.0.4. In the meantime, here's an overview of the information we're planning to share here on the Diablo III community site in the not-too-distant future.

Please keep in mind that this list isn't set in stone, but it should provide a useful preview of what we'll be revealing in the days ahead.
System Changes, by Wyatt Cheng
Senior Technical Game Designer Wyatt Cheng is preparing a high-level summary of some of the system changes planned for 1.0.4.
Legendary Item Improvements, by Andrew Chambers
Senior Game Designer Andrew Chambers is working on a blog detailing all the ways we’re making Legendary items stand out.
Magic Find Update, by Jay Wilson
Following up on earlier discussions, Game Director Jay Wilson will be providing an update on how Magic Find is evolving in patch 1.0.4.
Class Changes, by Wyatt Cheng
Wyatt will also be providing a preview of the changes we’ll be making for each class in 1.0.4 (and the philosophy behind those changes).
Patch Notes, by Lylirra
Of course, this is all building up to the actual patch 1.0.4 release, and we’ll be releasing the full patch notes shortly before the update goes live.
We're also planning to run some interviews and developer chats surrounding patch 1.0.4, and we’ll be sharing those on the Diablo III front page. Be on the lookout, as we'd love to get you involved in any live chats we host.
As always, your constructive feedback is very much appreciated. Stay tuned for the updates in Diablo III to follow!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

BNS Producer Bae Jae Hyun: the Way of Online Game Development in Next Generation

Bae Jae Hyun, the incumbent CPO of NCSoft, is the chief producer of the monumental online game “Blade & Soul” and the chief game developing officer of NCSoft.  
   Having participated in the development of “Lineage” in 1999, Bae became the producer of “Lineage II” in 2001. He is best known for the premium quality of his productions. Bae will share his experience and techniques in developing next-gen online games, which are burgeoning in China, at the coming CGDC2012.
The development of net game field in Korean starts relatively early. In the late 1990s, Korean net game set off the first round of net game wave in Asia. And NCsoft successfully leads the field with two classic MMORPG works - Lineage and Lineage II. Later, Aion: The Tower Of Etern can even rival World of Warcraft in Korean market.
After the success of two classic works - Lineage and Lineage II, Bae Jae Hyun became the producer of Blade & Soul. This 3DMMORPG is a martial arts fantasy aiming to bring fresh amusement other than monotony to players.  
So how was Blade & Soul developed? And as the leader of Korean online game masterpiece, how does Bae develop a terrific next-gen online game?
Producer Bae Jae Hyun will share with professional game producers and developers from around the world his ideas about the development of next-gen online games, evolution of graphics and playing skills, combination of combat and story, and practical game development concepts through such fields as changes in game platforms, evolution of game types and improvement in net environment & technology.
Taking classic games for examples, Bae shares his ideas on game development and design and sum the following three points,  
1. Users positioning: position new users
As new type of next-gen online game, Blade & Soul is endowed with wholly different game features. And this result is in the different position of users. So it's necessary to re-divide game users and ensure new - gen player type.
2. Game positioning: totally different from traditional game types.
What kind of game is Blade & Soul on earth? MMORPG? Act? FTG? ...... It's a next-gen works that surpasses the tradition. So the game positioning must be new positioning.

3. R & B direction positioning: next-gen without technology stream
Next-gen is common these days, but what is next-gen for Blade & Soul? It defines the new next-gen game through new perceptual transmission rather than such technology as engine of high quality, numerous character builds, splendid lights and shadows effect.
Bae's wonderful speech and vivid explanation of next-gen online game changes influence the media and audience greatly. He said that he would attend such developers conference more and contributed to the development of online game.

Designer-The Creation of Diana

The 102nd new champion, Diana, the scorn of the moon, has been released. There will be some news patch about her in the future, such as v144. Today, we share you the creation of Diana. We got the news from the official forums.
Where did Diana begin?
IronStylus: We wanted to design a champion that was a foil for Leona, but we couldn’t really pin down what that character would look like. So, we tried a bunch of iterations and we couldn’t get away from creating a character that looked like Riven or a chick in armor. She was in development in that way for about a year. Then one day I was watching an anime and saw a character that seemed like the right archetype: an Eastern, svelte girl in super heavy armor that kicked a lot of ass. It’s a popular trope in the East and it’s something we don’t have in our game. She should be a very vicious character without showing much emotion. We had a very clear idea what she was from the beginning and that gave us the chance to focus more on fun and translation.
How did the lore and Diana’s relationship with Leona and the Solari affect the art?
IronStylus: I think we have been putting more and more into champions to add more flavor. With the teaser and the splash we showed two parts of her lore and her backstory. We essentially made a two page comic of her origin and the aftermath of her ascendance. We used everything in our arsenal to tell a story. She’s a character that’s connected to another character, but she also stands on her own. If there could be two characters that would have a movie, it would be Leona and Diana. They are so ideologically opposed. Leona and Diana are mortal enemies. We used Leona to create a lot of Diana since they are diametrically opposed characters. They are similar in some ways, but Diana stands on her own. Both are more modest characters. They are more covered up, but still alluring and sexy in a different way. Diana’s intentionally as covered up as possible, but still sexy and strong. She has a different silhouette than other champions and moves differently with motions somewhere between Tryndamere and Akali. She’s got an assassin feel, but the sword gives her more weight. She’s interesting from every game angle.
--The sun is to protect the faith and the moon is to embrace the heresy.
Harrow: It’s such a subtle conflict. They didn’t really always hate each other.
IronStylus: We couldn’t nail down what she was and Colt “Ezreal” Hallam said, “She’s a heretic”. She’s exiled from the Solari. That turned her symbology, emotions, lack of emotions into something. Wow. Yes. That nails it. It was an internal challenge and after that revelation, the floodgates were opened. We were passionate about this character and that spread to a lot of other people. She’s an awesome lore-based champion.
What was the biggest challenge in creating Diana?
IronStylus: She is cold and emotionless, but she has a cleanliness and preciseness with minimal facial expressions that is present in anime. She can’t look bored. How do you sell detached without being bored? How do you make tragic not too sad? The answer is that complex characters gain something back, even through tragedy.
CaptainLx: So, I had to make her kick ass, but not move her too much. I came off Draven, who is so expressive and big. And she is the exact opposite. Maybe she’s adjusting her armor – no that’s too extroverted. I had huge issues trying to find the right balance of her not doing too much, but still being very much alive.
BelligerentSwan: I had the same issue with sounds. Going from Draven and Jayce with over-the-top big sounds to a more emotional character, trying to sell that power without being over-the-top, was a challenge. Finding the right tones to play off the muted personality was definitely a challenge.
NinjaChewyKun: For me the frustration was trying to make you think of Leona, but not making them the same. The moon can be yellow, but so can the sun. It was hard to find a unique particle look for her.
Harrow: Working with the VO was difficult with her because she doesn’t really say anything half the time. She’s not extravagant, but has subdued emotion. We didn’t want her to sound dead inside. She’s tragic, but still powerful.
How did you end up conveying Diana’s preciseness and cold, reserved personality through the art?
CaptainLx: We wanted her to be tragic without being angry or totally eaten up inside. We introduced slow and chase animations. If you are chasing and being slowed, she reaches out as if she’s trying to grab an enemy and pull them back in. We looked at things like the laugh – it’s more of a scoff. That’s the character.
Knockmaw: She is different. She has all this power within her, but she doesn’t show it on the outside. In the splash art we had her down on the ground with action happening around her, but she is calm, cool and collected. At the same time, she also has to have her own pretty look.
shadowMacuahuitl: I transferred her precision into the structured facial expressions and model. I started off with the shape of her hair and that really defined the character’s personality for me. I was thinking about this a lot and had a dream about her hair. I got up one morning and I sketched what I had seen in my dream, the precise curves and how to stylize it. I brought the sketch into the office that’s how it came to be.
How did Diana’s relationship with the moon affect the art?
IronStylus: We knew we wanted to do an anti-Leona, but we wanted her to be more than a chick that had moon theme stuff. To be a fundamental character she has to stand on her own. It was almost harder because she was based on another character. We were more concerned about the character than working within the iconography. We used the moon for spells, particles and weaponry. The moon’s an iconic, graphic disc. Every phase of the moon is graphic. The moon doesn’t really do anything on its own, so we assigned powers of the moon: a shattering plate, cutting, cold, barren. We used the motif to make her a counter to Leona. We adapted the moon to our purposes rather than making the moon an embodied object. We put moon crescents everywhere: hair, weapon, armor, death animation – everything down to swipes, particles and her death animation.
NinjaChewyKun: The moon helps to emphasize her personality: distant and cold. Of course, it makes sense that she worships the moon.
CaptainLx: The shape of the animations help facilitate the moon feeling throughout the kit. It’s an expression of her personality that she chose to worship the moon. When she is recalling she goes on her knees and prays to the moon goddess. We were more concerned about the personality of the character than with the moon iconography, but with the moon, we had more visuals to dip into.
What was your favorite part of Diana’s creative process?
NinjaChewyKun: Everybody was so excited and passionate about her. There was a very clear direction about what kind of person she is. The concepts were so inspiring. For me the best champions to work on are the ones who have the most direction. Everyone had an idea of what her particles should look like. It was a fun collaboration.
CaptainLx: I think collaboration is a great way to describe her process. We worked a lot together and early on and had a lot of fun discussions. I threw away the most animations I’ve ever thrown away because we were just playing around with a lot of ideas. What if she’s jumping? What if she’s twirling? Finding the right balance – she’s snappy, but also natural. People cared and asked advice from each other, so this character went really well.
IronStylus: No one was afraid of getting feedback or challenging something. Everyone wanted feedback. No one was too heavily invested. It was a trusting collaboration.
Knockmaw: Diana was so . . . internally funded, everyone had so much passion and couldn’t wait to get their hands on her. There’s something to be said about an idea that surfaces within and everyone feels it.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Lol Katarina Cosplay vs Guild Wars Cosplay

 Lol Katarina Cosplay and Vind
 Wild Katarina Cosplay
 More Guild Wars 2 of Norn Cosplay click here

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