Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Guild Wars 2 Column: Asura and Sylvari Review

We spent some time with the asura and sylvari during this past weekend's final Guild Wars 2 beta event before launch and today we're offering our thoughts on both!

Well there it goes, the last BWE for Guild Wars 2.  It sure was fun.  ArenaNet gave us all a chance to try out every race, and every profession.  Even though we could only reach a certain level, and explore only so much of the vast world of Tyria, we got a nice taste of the final product.  After finally getting a chance to play as Asura and Sylvari, I’m even more excited for this game’s release.

Ever since it was announced that we could choose different races in Guild Wars 2, I’ve had my heart set on making a Charr.  I know I’d make a Norn down the road, but I’d start with a Charr.  Well now I have to rework my plan.  I was really surprised at what the Asura brought to the game.   I always liked the Asura, but I never thought I could connect with one.  The Asura add some comic relief to the game.  Their sarcastic nature and experiments constantly blowing up bring much needed comedy to a world ruled by dragons and war.   The connection between me and my Asuran character happened almost instantly.

OGN Summer Top 8 Teams Released WE vs. CLG.eu

OGN Summer round of 16 matches are all finished now. The top 8 teams are released as well. Let’s see the tournament schedule information:
 August, 1st 6:30 Najin e-mFire Sword vs. StarTale
 August 3rd 6:30 WE vs. CLG.EU
 August 8th 6:30 Azubu Blaze vs. Xenice Storm
 August 10th 6:30 Azubu Frost vs. CLG.NA
The tournament is on the way. Please do not miss any of the matches.

Top Ten Champion Bans: Shen Ranked First

Recently we were able to get the top ten champion in BAN LIST. We would like to share bans information for ranked games and see relatively OP champions lately.
Here is the updating, and hope you will like it.

Blizzard Echoes Valve’s 'Windows 8 catastrophe' Comments

Source: CVG
Obviously, Gabe Newell of Valve Software is not the only one who thinks Windows 8 is a catastrophe for everyone in the PC space. Rob Pardo, the executive vice president of game design at the Diablo 3 studio, quoted Newell's comments on his personal twitter account before adding that Windows 8 is "not awesome for Blizzard either".
 On Twitter, when discussing the shortage of Windows 8, Pardo left a comment as follows upon Newell’s tweet.

Nice interview with Gabe Newell - "I think Windows 8 is a catastrophe for everyone in the PC space* - not awesome for Blizzard either

It appears that his claims were centered on criticisms that Microsoft will want to have more control over various applications and purchases made through its next operating system. The full details have not yet been announced by Microsoft.

"There's a strong temptation to close the platform," Newell said, "because they look at what they can accomplish when they limit the competitors' access to the platform, and they say, 'That's really exciting.'"

This appears to reference to the Windows Store in the Microsoft operating system, which could restrict companies' options to sell their software directly. Microsoft will take a 30 per cent royalty cut of every sale made through this store.

If this is true, it will be a catastrophe for PC game industry. No one would want to produce and sell PC games any more. For companies like Blizzard who has its own sale’s channel and Vavle who has an online sale’s platform, it would be even worse.

Moore Works: the End of Demon

Diablo III player Moore's works - the End of Demon.
It's pretty cool on the whole though the weapon in Diablo III is not so perfect.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Forge your Guild Wars 2 legacy—pick up the Platinum Edition on sale today in the NCsoft Store.

Final Beta Ends In ‘Hunger Royale’
The final beta for Guild Wars 2s pre-release schedule ended at midnight pacific time with all players in the Metrica Province being pitted against one another in an hour-long Hunger Games-styled contest known as Hunger Royale.
In the contest, players on four teams fought off starvation as they sought out opposing players who were hopefully carrying rations of food. Equipped with rifles and a number of tools ranging from shield walls to cloaking and teleportation abilities, players were told that in order to survive, they had to kill other players or find rations that were scattered around the map. Rations, when consumed, helped regenerate back some of the health lost to starvation. Upon death, players turned into robots capable of sensing nearby players, dropping ammunition and setting up shields to protect still living players on their team.

Roughly ten minutes prior to the end of the event, the Hunger Royale ended, with all items from the Hunger Royale changing into Boxes of Fun. The servers went offline at around 12:02 a.m. pacific time.

Guild Wars 2 will be released on August 28, 2012, with those having access to the three-day head-start getting access to the game beginning Saturday, August 25.

Forge Your GW2 Legacy with Guild Wars Platinum Edition

Experience where it all began! Discover Tyria through the original Guild Wars and forge a legacy that lives on in Guild Wars 2 with the Guild Wars Platinum Edition, now available for just $19.99 in the NCsoft Store!
 The Guild Wars Platinum Edition contains Guild Wars Prophecies (Game of the Year Edition) and the expansion Guild Wars: Eye of the North, which includes the Hall of Monuments, the trophy chamber that immortalizes your achievements and titles. With the Hall of Monuments, players earn points that they can redeem for exclusive rewards in Guild Wars 2 such as pets and weapon and armor skins.
 With the Hall of Monuments Reward Calculator, you can see the rewards your Guild Wars 2 characters can inherit from your Guild Wars account. Want to learn more? Check out John Stumme’s guide to earning Hall of Monuments points right here.

Kommende neue Champions und das Tribunal

Die LOL Designer haben ihre Pläne zum Champion Design und der neuen Tribunal Karte enthüllt.
Zitat aus Morello’s Thread
Wir haben einige clevere Pläne für Verbesserungen um mehr Abwechsung besonders bei der Front der einzelnen Arten zu bewirken und haben einige andere große Pläne, die unsere Welt deutlich verbessern werden. Was du siehst, das Gameplay, was du liest hörst und erlebst ist alles zusammengekommen um dir ein besonderes Spielerlebnis zu liefern. Fans von Lulu, Zyra und Draven sollten sehr unterschiedliche LOL Spieler sein. Das ist alles beabsichtigt. Wir alle haben spezifische Vorlieben und oftmals unterscheiden sich diese von anderen Spielern. Der Sclüssel, damit das ganze funktioniert, ist es Vielfalt anzubieten. Es sollten nur wenige Spieler alle Champions mögen. Aber jeder Spieler sollte einen Champion finden bei dem er sagen kann „der ist genau für mich“.
Manche der Antworten sind sehr interssant und die meisten von ihnen sind von Spieleproduzenten. Lasst uns das Ganze mal anschauen.
 Zwei Support Champions pro Jahr (ursprünglich einer pro Jahr)
 In ein paar Monaten wird ein Void Monster veröffentlicht
 Möglicherweise werden wir noch einen Mage vor dem Ende von 2012 veröffentlichen
 Ein weiterer Transformer
 Ein kommende menschliche Kreatur mit den Zügen einer Bestie (wie etwa Warwick oder Nautilus).
 Auf jeden Fall bin ich sicher, dass einige dieser Champions kommen werden.
 Außerdem werden einige neue Waffen beim Riot Tribunal System hinzugefügt, die Tribunal Karte.

Dota2 Test Build Updated on July 25

This week Valve added 3 new champions in Dota2.
-Added Nyx Assassin, Keeper of the Light and visage and enabled in Captain's Mode.
- Added a cooldown to being able to find a match when a player declines or abandons a game.
-Beastmaster: Fixed Wild Axes working with Refresher.
-Beastmaster: Wild Axes no longer provide vision when they aren't flying.
- Naga Siren: Fixed Dust of Appearance not working against units slept by Song of the Siren.
- Naga Siren: Fixed Ice Blast debuff not getting added to units slept by Song of the Siren.
- Naga Siren: Fixed Weave not affecting units slept by Song of the Siren.
 - Phantom Lancer: Fixed Doppelwalk illusions not correctly replicating their inventory item slots.
 - Rubick: Fixed Wild Axes being left around when the other ability is stolen.
 - Sand King: Neutrals can now be damaged by Sandstorm.
 - Templar Assassin: Fixed Meld initial attack doing too much damage.
 - Slardar: Fixed Bash working while doomed.
 - Neutrals damaged by an invisible enemy will now try to run away.
- Multiple tweaks to director events and framing.
- Fixed particle effects sometimes not drawing while in Player Perspective mode.

Diablo 3 Fan Art-Tepes Art

Tepes released lots of artwork about Diablo 3. This time, it is about the story of the King, Leoric.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Blizzard Gave Standard Explanation of Raid Gold

Recommended Armor-The Glamour of Buccaneer’s Series

We provide you a series of Glamour armors in WOW. Please see them as follows,

Buccaneer’s Cloth, Cord, and Bracers

Sage’s Gloves

Vishas' Hood

Leggings of Concentrated Darkness

Saltarello Shoes

Frostscythe of Lord Ahune

Laughing Skull Shoulderpads

Fight Maneuvre

Items & equips selection and last hit & lane control skill may be easy. But even masters can make mistakes when it comes to fight maneuvre. Now here's my opinions, just for reference.

1. Always carry a Town Portal Scroll!
Town Portal Scroll's is by far the best and most basic item in the game, just before Boots of Speed.

Always carry a TP SCROLL!
Why?    1. Allows you to assist a lane and potentially turn a gank on your allies into a counter gank, saving your allies and grabbing a potential kill or two.    2. Your able to escape a oncoming gank!    3. Your able to escape a gank!    4. Carrying TP scroll allows you to farm lanes constantly.    5. Your able to push a lane, grab a tower when the majority of the enemy team are mid*
When to do this?->1) When you are unable to defend regardless of your presence. (Take note, carries.)->2) Able to push hard enough to force a teleport back from one of the enemies, gaining a slight uphand if your team was to teamfight now.  

2.Pushing - Advancing to enemy towers

A push is a very important part of the Dota2 game. In pub games(public player games) it is almost always very hard to organize your team to do a push. Most people want to go into the jungle and farm neutral creeps the entire game until they have full items. This is not how you play Dota2 well.
Generally, when your heroes are powerful enough to do so, you want to organize into a 5 man pushing team, and you want to destroy enemy towers. This gives you map control, and this gives your team 1000-1300 gold. If you destroy 3 enemy towers and they have 0 of your towers, your team has a 3000-3900 gold advantage. This is a huge advantage.I advantage when fighting by your team's tower(damage, see invis, etc.) so defending a tower is almost always beneficial.

Barbarian God Mode Bug

Diablo 3 the player Kripparrian, uploaded a video on youtube showing to the public about the GOD MODE barbarian bug that he is using. And this annoyed most players. Actually he explained and showed how the bug was worked just to inform Blizzard to fix it. It shows in the blue post that Blizzard is aware of the Barbarian bug and is working on it.

Diablo 3 Demon Hunter Clay DIY

We provide you with the Demon Hunter clay made by madcatxu. The cute figurine was first molded of clay and then came to the process of resin casting. In the end, the figurine was colored.


Anivia is a bursty caster with sustained crowd control and a lot of unique utilities. She is revered as one of the stronger casters in the game. However, she requires a large amount of synergy on her team. Anivia is best partnered with teams that don't chase and fight in groups. She has a large amount of AoE damage, but her main damage will be single target burst. She provides stuns/slows/a wall/pushing/protection to teams. Anivia is often considered to be too reliable upon blue buff.


 Good laning with immense pushing power post-6
 Insane utility
 Can peel and kite (without Rylai's) very well
 Has an easy time farming post-6
 AoE hard and soft CC
 Several zoning tools
 High damage without damage items early on
  Great burst and fair sustained damage
 Among the highest overall ratios in the game
 Arguably the best skill in the game: Crystallize
 Arguably the best level 1 mage in the game (due to long range skillshot AoE stun)

 Does not fall off (i.e. bad early game =/= bad late-game)
 Has the ability to control where and how a teamfight plays out
 Easy to pick up
 Egg

 Slowest movement speed in the entire game

 Lowest health pool in the entire game

Mists of Pandaria Beta: New Weapon Models

WOW artists have lost in the sea of Western weapon...

A Different Lord of Sin: Korean Player's Azmodan Painting

We provide you with the paintings of Azmodan in Diablo 3 from a Korean player. It's really cute, isn't it?

FIORA - A Deadly Rose

Fiora is much like a rose, a delicate and beautiful flower, but is quite deceiving...
Okay honestly, I had no idea what to do for the title and there were no puns to use ): At least Fiora is suppose to mean flower, so I guess it somewhat fits... '-'
Champion Overview
+Sustain in lane
+Innate high AD
+Decently high burst
+Chases well
+Very strong 1v1
+Does not run out of mana
+Dat ass
-  only blocks on-hit physicals (anything that would proc Frozen Mallet/Red buff, including Gangplank's Parrrley and Ezreal's Mystic Shot)
-Weaker sustain than many bruisers
-No escapes
-Fairly squishy

GALIO - [Jungle] Galio, the Boss of all Bosses.

So, why jungle Galio?
Because it works.
It's not like, he'd be the most awesome epic megaphat jungler of the world,

but he is truley a good one because of his awesome ganks and the tankyness/damage balancingthing.
If you build him on tanky AP, he deals quiet good damage and still is tanky for epic-diving-actions.

I just bought him (because he was cheap on RP lol, so I just got my daily with him and tried him twice as a jungler, and it worked well :D)

start Wolves/Blue get Wraiths, Wolves again
 Either you see the possibility to gank and get some srs feed
 just get Redbuff and Golems or Wraiths.
 You'll still be able to gank after full route, so use this opportunity!
DON'T FORGET to always jungle and clear camps for level up.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Diablo 3 One More Bug: Barbarian Rises up

With invulnerable Wizards bugs just fixed, Barbarian bug appears again.
Go to the entrance of Cydaea’s room. Use Furious Charge (with Dreadnought rune) and trigger the animation.

Then you are in the state of Furious Charge. Every time you get touched by the spider, you regain 8% of your life.

When cast Furious Charge again, the bug will disappear. You can treat the bug as entertainment.

With 600 skill points, you will be awarded Grand Master Cook.

You will find tradition of cooking with effect when completing cooking quests.
Tradition of Cooking:
Chef's Hat
Pilgrim's Dress
Rolling Pan
Frying Pan

From here, look for ganks and try to use exhaust whenever it is avaliable. Don't be afraid to take a couple of tower shots, but DO NOT tower dive early on recklessly. This comes later.
If a lane has no flash, cleaver can assure easy kill as long as you can land them.
 REMEMBER ALWAYS KEEP UP IN FARM! Mundo should never be behind in farm/level.
 master of the pot, master of the grill, master of the oven, master of the Steamer and master of the brew. Chef’s Awards, the Cataclysm cooking token, can be earned by completing your capital cities daily quest. Then you can buy ingredients and corresponding award.

Mists of Pandaria Cooking Award: Tradition of Cooking

In the map - Valley of the Four Winds, all kinds of cooking trainers gathered there: master of the wok, master of the pot, master of the grill, master of the oven, master of the Steamer and master of the brew. Chef’s Awards, the Cataclysm cooking token, can be earned by completing your capital cities daily quest. Then you can buy ingredients and corresponding award.


Karma has a very strong duo-lane. Due to the nature of her spells, she is able to play offensively and defensively at the same time. You can zone melee champions with incredible ease: Soul Shield can be used on minions, so you can deny them last hits AND damage them at the same time! It's wonderful, truly. :)

Your constant heals and shields let you and your partner last-hit freely, with much room for error. Your heals get stronger as your health gets lower, so you can recover faster from lower HP. The only problem is with mana: you can quickly run out of it. Same goes with Mantra charges.

You ALWAYS want to have at least one Mantra charge up, so you can use Spirit Bond to escape ganks. When Karma was first released junglers quickly realized to kill Karma they just had to wait for her to use her last Mantra charge. Make sure you don't make this mistake!
This is where things kick off. Hopefully you have Boots of Lucidity, Fiendish Codex, and at least the Needlessly Large Rod component of Rabadon's Deathcap. If so, you're good. If you have Rabadon's, then you're great! If you have Morello's as well, you're fed. :D

By now team-fights should be breaking out, and you want to always be there. Position yourself at the back like any good support. Most Karma's make the mistake of running into the fray like Soul Shield makes them immune to damage. Here's what you should do:

Use Spirit Bond on the one in front. The line it gives should hit allies and give them the speed boost, but don't worry about that too much. It will also hit enemies that try to jump in for your carries. If they do this, IMMEDIATELY hit your carry with a Mantra'd Soul Shield. This will cause significant damage and give them a powerful shield. Once you notice at least 2 or three people are below full, or someone needs a clutch heal, throw a Mantra'd Heavenly Wave.

Basically your job is to shield the ones getting focused, especially important carries, heal when a lot of people need it or one person REALLY needs it, and provide a speed boost for allies when you need to chase or escape.

Karma has been my favourite champion

Karma has been my favourite champion on Dominion mainly because of her mantra shield. With enough ap, the aoe damage to the enemy and the shield it gives often turns battles around. The wave (q) is very spammable and if you know how to use the bond (w) for damage, you have 3 nukes all together which gives you quite reasonable burst.

She works well with bruisers by allowing the bruiser to stick to targets (bond) and survive longer (shield) and does good damage herself. While she is not a 1v1 queen, she is definitely a strong pick for small skirmishes.
Pros / Cons


- Utilises Defense and Offense at the same time with AOEs, heals, and shields.
- Can provides the same amount of burst as other high tier AP Casters due to high AP Scaling
- Dominion negates Karma's need to farm
- Extremely effective team fighter
- Deceptively Tanky
- Decent defender and very good creep clearer

- Lack of understanding, meaning some people will try to kill you without realising that Karma 

Sunday, July 22, 2012

PicoDrive v1.40b Released: SEGA Genesis/CD Emulator Updated

Here's one you may have possibly forgotten about, or perhaps you've never seen before. Step back into the good ol' SEGA Genesis/CD days with developer Notaz' PicoDrive version 1.40b.

This release is primarily bug fixes and whatnot; don't expect any speed increase.

PicoDrive v1.40b changes:

Fixed sprite masking code. Thanks to Lordus for explaining how it works.

Added "disable sprite limit" option.

Added black level adjustment to display options.

Changed reset to act as 'soft' reset.

Added detection for Puggsy (it doesn't really have sram).
Some small timing adjustments.

Added support for SVP (Sega Virtua Processor) to emulate Virtua Racing. No recompiler for PSP version though.

Changed config file format, files are now human-readable. Game specific configs are now held in single file (but old game config files are still read when new one is missing).

Fixed a bug where some key combos didn't work as expected.

Adjusted fast renderer to work with more games, including VR.

Fixed a problem where SegaCD RAM cart data was getting lost on reset.

PicoDrive now comes with a game config file for some games which need special settings, so they should now work out-of-the-box. More games will be added with later updates

Official: Matchmakings New AFK Detection Test

Hey guys,
 In a few minutes we're going to turn on a new AFK detection feature we've been working on and we could use your help testing it out. The feature should help keep afk players out of champion select and give players the ability to decline a game that has been found for them. Please give the new feature a try and let us know if you like it or not and if you find any bugs with it.
 Thanks guys!!
 Here are some of the rules for the new system:

- When the queue pops, each player should receive a dialog box asking them to confirm or decline their newly found game.

- Players who click ACCEPT are shown real-time status markers for all other players in their game.

- When all 10 players click ACCEPT they are moved into champ select.

- If any player FAILS TO ACCEPT the game is canceled and one of the following should occur:

- Solo players who accepted are returned to the queue

- Solo players who declined or failed to make a choice are removed from the queue

- Arranged teams of any size whose members all accepted will be returned to the queue

- Arranged teams of any size who had one or more members decline will be returned to the arranged team lobby.

- Players should receive appropriate messaging if their game fails to start

- Players should NOT receive queue dodge or leaver penalties associated with declining a game or being AFK prior to entering champ select.

This seemingly simple change actually required some pretty involved changes in the code for our core game loop. If you see anything that doesn't seem to follow the above post (Or seems to act weird in any way), please let us know forthright! I'll be monitoring this thread closely.

Recommended Diablo 3 Fan Art (9)

This is phase 9 of Diablo 3 Fan Art. In this phase, we collected more fan art in the forum and artwork recommended by Blizzard. We hope you will like them.

Patch 5.0 Night Elf Nerfed & New Icons Display

Night Elf Quickness Changes Quickness:Increase the dodge chance by 2%. (Melee and ranged attack)     Note: the original effect for Quickness was "Reduces the chance that melee and ranged attackers will hit you by 2%." This should be a nerf for dodge only avoid physical attack while most attack may miss.     New Icons     Enchanting ChangesEnchanting All rods were removed, and everything now uses a Copper Rod. Many cast times were reduced from 5 sec to 1.5 sec.

5.0 Pet Quality Distinguish: Higher Stats, Better Quality

In the pet battle system of Mist and Pandarian, pets’ qualities are different. Higher quality pet can level up faster.   How to distinguish a pet’s quality?  Here I have a method to calculate rare pet with a macro.   Previously I calculate with the formula (health/5+speed+attack)/level. It is correct though the result is not that accurate. I minus 100 from health in the above formula after I saw a post on the forum. Actually the principle is the stats added when level up are fixed. Take a fog as example. Its initial stats are health 181, attack 15, and speed 14. Actually every time it levels up, the stats added are 81/15/14 (there are decimals. That’s why the result is not accurate).   ((health-100)/5+speed+attack)/level=~ 50 Blue (above 50 is blue, usually around 52)45 green (around 45 is green)40 normal (around 38~40 is white)Gray is around 31~32   I suggest you to use this macro before the battle. Number 1, 2 and 3 refer to the pet display order. Even though the pet’s position changes in the battle, its number will not change.   /run local M="";local U=2;local C=C_PetBattles;for i=1,3 do local L=((C.GetMaxHealth(U,i)-100)/5+C.GetSpeed(U,i)+C.GetPower(U,i))/C.GetLevel(U,i)if L>50 then M=i.."number is blue"elseif(L>44)then M=i.."number is green"end;print(M)end;print(M~=""and "" or "these pets are white and gray")   It’s a very easy macro. You can set a hotkey for it like alt+X ctrl+x shift+x.   Enter the pet battle and press hotkey. The message will be sent out in chat window. Only above green will be hinted.   Note: pet’s stats will change in the battle, e.g. fly pet’s speed will increase. So macro is not 100% correct.ect.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Twitch Skill Show after Rework

 Passive skill: Deadly Venom. Twitch's basic attacks infect the target, dealing 2 true damage per second for 6 seconds, stacking up to 6 times.

[Q] Ambush (1): 60 Mana
              16 second cooldown

After 1.25 seconds (delayed up to 3 seconds if taking damage.) Twitch becomes invisible for 4 seconds. Twitch gains 20% Movement Speed while invisible.
Twitch gains 30% Attack Speed for 3 seconds after coming out of invisibility.

[W] Venom Cask (1): 50 Mana
                 13 sec Cooldown

Twitch hurls a cask of Venom that explodes in an area adding 2 stacks of Deadly Venom and slowing targets by 25% for 3 seconds.

[E] Expunge (1): 70 Mana
             10.8 sec Cooldown

Deals 20 physical damage plus 15 (+10) (+13) per stack of Deadly Venom to all nearly enemies affected by Deadly Venom.

[R] Spray and Pray (1): 100 Mana
                   120 sec Cooldown

For 7 seconds Twitch gains 300 Attack Range, 20 Attack Damage and his basic attacks become piercing bolts that deal 20% less damage to subsequent targets down to a minimum of 40% damage.

Twitch before nerf seems to come back again. The collocation of W, E, and R skills will deal much AOE damage. The rework will entirely change the gaming positioning of Twitch though with no evade skills as usual. He may be a powerful Ganker if jungling.

Diablo 3 Will Re-enable Multiple Games Restriction

Because of the RMAH, Blizzard is always strict on the use of bots. Today Blizzard posted a thread on the community saying that they would be re-enabling the limit on how many games a player can create within a certain amount of time.

Blizzard said that although they had taken action against accounts for the use of unauthorized third-party programs and bots, there were still players who control multiple characters through bots. This additional measure will help further preserve and protect the integrity of the game and economy in between ban waves. Though this measure is used to suppress players who use bots to farm gold, it will also influence many other players who want to play several characters. Blizzard hope once this change goes live, players can provide their feedback to help ensure that the limit is working as intended

Plus, Blizzard did not give an exact time when the restriction will start.

The Choice of Top Lane Champions

There is no perfect champion in the position of the top lane. In fact, it is unreasonable to rank the champions. There is a counter to everything in Top Lane.

I will give you some suggestions as follows, and hope they are useful to you.

 1. Why the top lane is so unusual?
The specialness of the top lane is that, this position requires the comprehensive abilities of the players. You should know how to use last hit, freeze a lane, avoid gank and resist compression at the same time. When some players are snowballed, they may lose confidence to play the rest of the game.

Maybe some players will say that, the mid lane also requires these qualities. In fact, there is less compression in mid lane than in the top lane. Because of the terrain of the mid lane, it is easier to attack and defend in mid lane than in top lane. Most champions in mid lane are ranged, with great control ability. Mid lane has one more advantage: support jungler and team fight with dragon. Once succeed, it will bring many advantages. That’s why we can often see top lane being snowballed not mid lane. Mid lane is easy to control attack and defend rhythm.

Top lane is too far to get support. Jungler and mid lane champions like to gank in top lane since it has a long retreat route and easy to from 2v1 situation. Especially in the early game when there’s no warding. Solo top lane is very easy to kill enemies or be killed. Once you lose advantage in top lane, you may be pushed under the tower or the champions are placed at front. The worst situation is: your champions are freeze in front of enemy tower and enemy champions are your counter. These may cause you cannot get close to your champions even if you have warding. Thus you will lose both money and experience. Without money and experience, you will be easier to be killed by enemy in laning. That’s what we call snowball.

The major reason you are snowballed is because champion counter. For example: Rumble is a counter to some top laners with short arms and legs like Malphite, Wukong, Olaf even Irelia. Rumble has no mana, no energy cost with shield, add speed and reduce speed skills and his damage is very high. Once his skills are used correctly, he freezes the lane in front of the tower and you dare not get close to the lane. Gradually you are snowballed.

Oftentimes you'll see in competitive play that the top lane pick tends to be the last pick in draft order so that your team's top lane champion already naturally has an advantage over the enemy team's.

So once top laner is counter picked, you’ve lost half of the game.

New Evelyn Stealth Defects Revealing: Something You need to Know

New Evelyn stealth is not as powerful as what we imaged before and stealth detection range will be around 650 (warning line will appear around EVE when casting such skill). So the time and range are much more important when Gank. Today I will share you with EVE's critical visual defects when Gank and tower detection range so that players will better perform Eve in future.

Differences between Dota2 and Dota

Sand King: Sand Storm no longer deals damage to monsters. The invisibility effect will be removed when casting Epicenter during Sand Storm. Burrowstrike will not interrupt shift operation afterwards. For example, you can cast skill by pressing shiftE+C.

Butcher: champion cannot operate before he drags the hook back after launching.

Clockwerk: after firing Rocket Flare, he cannot control the rocket any more.

Hookshot becomes more precise than before.

Stone Giant: his body changes greatly every level he learns Grow.

Anti-Mage: Mana Void can be only cast to champions now.

Shadow Fiend: if he casts the ultimate during invisibility, this ability will break invisibility a short time before it's released. Then CP begins.

Nerubian Weaver: Geminate Attack is not mana globe any more. Swarms cannot be controlled before they latch on enemies and they are powerful. After that, their maximum HP is 100 and the actual HP is the same with that in Dota. They can be destroyed by 4 attacks from a hero, or 8 from other units.

Weaver will not warp backward to the position it was by Time Lapse if he regenerate immediately with money.

Spectre: Spectral Dagger can move over cliffs, trees, buildings and units while under effect of this spell. And the operation is simple.

Crystal Maiden: spring is free from Frostbite now.

Faerie Dragon: without Illusory Orb, Puck cannot cast skills that teleport to the orb's location.

Storm Spirit: during Ball Lightning, he cannot deal normal attack or Electric Vortex with CP. But he can cast Static Remnant with no CP or item skills.

Windrunner: Windrun is with no CP now.

Goblin Tinker: Rearm is continuous casting now and it won't be interrupted by movement or some skills.

Twin-Headed Dragon: change of direction for Dual Breath is no longer available now.

Lich: when casting Sacrifice at full mana mode, the problem of no mana regeneration will not appear again.

Witch Doctor: animation for Maledict and Voodoo Restoration have been added.

Enigma: the effect of Black Hole that "Enemies affected by Black Hole cannot move, attack, or cast spells" now achieved. Blade Fury of Juggernaut can be interrupted by Black Hole. But his Omnislash and Ball Lightning of Storm Spirit will not be controlled by Black Hole.

Batrider: with Phase Boots during Firefly, he can also fly above units, trees and impassable terrain.

Ancient Apparition: animation with accurate affected radius for Ice Blast has been added now.

Dragon Knight: for Dragon Blood, the armor upgrade counts as an addition.

Omniknight: radius for Degen Aura is 300.

Linken's Sphere: it can entirely block a skill that is cast to a unit now.

 War Drums & Diffusal Blade

(Now these two items bought from the store will have no restriction on casting times. )

Bloodstone: the trade for the item is available now.

Phase Boots: with Phase Boots during Firefly, Batrider can also fly above units, trees and impassable terrain. And it will not affect critical strike any more.

Kohler's dagger: it will not be interrupted when attacked by roshan.