Wednesday, July 25, 2012

FIORA - A Deadly Rose

Fiora is much like a rose, a delicate and beautiful flower, but is quite deceiving...
Okay honestly, I had no idea what to do for the title and there were no puns to use ): At least Fiora is suppose to mean flower, so I guess it somewhat fits... '-'
Champion Overview
+Sustain in lane
+Innate high AD
+Decently high burst
+Chases well
+Very strong 1v1
+Does not run out of mana
+Dat ass
-  only blocks on-hit physicals (anything that would proc Frozen Mallet/Red buff, including Gangplank's Parrrley and Ezreal's Mystic Shot)
-Weaker sustain than many bruisers
-No escapes
-Fairly squishy

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