Tuesday, July 24, 2012


Karma has a very strong duo-lane. Due to the nature of her spells, she is able to play offensively and defensively at the same time. You can zone melee champions with incredible ease: Soul Shield can be used on minions, so you can deny them last hits AND damage them at the same time! It's wonderful, truly. :)

Your constant heals and shields let you and your partner last-hit freely, with much room for error. Your heals get stronger as your health gets lower, so you can recover faster from lower HP. The only problem is with mana: you can quickly run out of it. Same goes with Mantra charges.

You ALWAYS want to have at least one Mantra charge up, so you can use Spirit Bond to escape ganks. When Karma was first released junglers quickly realized to kill Karma they just had to wait for her to use her last Mantra charge. Make sure you don't make this mistake!
This is where things kick off. Hopefully you have Boots of Lucidity, Fiendish Codex, and at least the Needlessly Large Rod component of Rabadon's Deathcap. If so, you're good. If you have Rabadon's, then you're great! If you have Morello's as well, you're fed. :D

By now team-fights should be breaking out, and you want to always be there. Position yourself at the back like any good support. Most Karma's make the mistake of running into the fray like Soul Shield makes them immune to damage. Here's what you should do:

Use Spirit Bond on the one in front. The line it gives should hit allies and give them the speed boost, but don't worry about that too much. It will also hit enemies that try to jump in for your carries. If they do this, IMMEDIATELY hit your carry with a Mantra'd Soul Shield. This will cause significant damage and give them a powerful shield. Once you notice at least 2 or three people are below full, or someone needs a clutch heal, throw a Mantra'd Heavenly Wave.

Basically your job is to shield the ones getting focused, especially important carries, heal when a lot of people need it or one person REALLY needs it, and provide a speed boost for allies when you need to chase or escape.

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