Wednesday, July 25, 2012


Anivia is a bursty caster with sustained crowd control and a lot of unique utilities. She is revered as one of the stronger casters in the game. However, she requires a large amount of synergy on her team. Anivia is best partnered with teams that don't chase and fight in groups. She has a large amount of AoE damage, but her main damage will be single target burst. She provides stuns/slows/a wall/pushing/protection to teams. Anivia is often considered to be too reliable upon blue buff.


 Good laning with immense pushing power post-6
 Insane utility
 Can peel and kite (without Rylai's) very well
 Has an easy time farming post-6
 AoE hard and soft CC
 Several zoning tools
 High damage without damage items early on
  Great burst and fair sustained damage
 Among the highest overall ratios in the game
 Arguably the best skill in the game: Crystallize
 Arguably the best level 1 mage in the game (due to long range skillshot AoE stun)

 Does not fall off (i.e. bad early game =/= bad late-game)
 Has the ability to control where and how a teamfight plays out
 Easy to pick up
 Egg

 Slowest movement speed in the entire game

 Lowest health pool in the entire game

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