Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Quinn’s Skill and Item Recommendation

League of Legends v3.03 finally meets us. And our new ADC is out as well. As a new ADC, Quinn is very powerful. And it’s also very difficult to play Quinn well. I’ve briefly introduced Quinn’s skill and item recommendation previously. Now I will introduce you Quinn’s rune and mastery build. MasteryI recommend 21 offensive masteries, 9 defense masteries or 21 offensive masteries and 9 utility masteries.Since passive skills are Quinn’s major damage skills, offensive masteries are particularly important to Quinn, especially when you cast physical pierce and damage growth. And the other 9 will be chosenaccording to the situation. If you want to enhance survivability, you can add the 9 masteries to defense. If you want to be more powerful in chasing and on lane, utility masteries are good choices. You can also mix and match. Anyway, as long as Quinn has 21 offensive masteries, the other 9 can be allocated according to your preference. RuneAs to the rune, according to my experience, Quinn doesn’t rely too much on speed increase items. W’s passive effect enables Quinn to deal damage to enemies quickly even though she doesn’t have many speed increase items. To make the best use of Quinn’s passive skill and deal more damage to enemies, use more offensive items and runes. So I will recommend:You can choose fixed damage physical rune as seal which will provide 9 extra physical attack.Glyph and seal can select fixed magical defense and physical defense rune which will provide extra defense ability and stronger survivability for you.As to quintessence, I recommend physical attack quintessenceor fix physical attack quintessence. The two kinds of quintessencewill make you more forceful in late and early game respectively. You can also choose physical pierce which will enhance your damage. In Season 3, the calculation of physical pierce is changed which makes it more useful.That’s all for today’s analysis. As time goes by, more and more buildings will emerge. Hope my article will inspire more thoughts. And if you have any suggestions or questions, please let me know.  

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