Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Quinn’s Skill and Item Recommendation

League of Legends v3.03 finally meets us. And our new ADC is out as well. As a new ADC, Quinn is very powerful. And it’s also very difficult to play Quinn well. I’ve briefly introduced Quinn’s skill and item recommendation previously. Now I will introduce you Quinn’s rune and mastery build. MasteryI recommend 21 offensive masteries, 9 defense masteries or 21 offensive masteries and 9 utility masteries.Since passive skills are Quinn’s major damage skills, offensive masteries are particularly important to Quinn, especially when you cast physical pierce and damage growth. And the other 9 will be chosenaccording to the situation. If you want to enhance survivability, you can add the 9 masteries to defense. If you want to be more powerful in chasing and on lane, utility masteries are good choices. You can also mix and match. Anyway, as long as Quinn has 21 offensive masteries, the other 9 can be allocated according to your preference. RuneAs to the rune, according to my experience, Quinn doesn’t rely too much on speed increase items. W’s passive effect enables Quinn to deal damage to enemies quickly even though she doesn’t have many speed increase items. To make the best use of Quinn’s passive skill and deal more damage to enemies, use more offensive items and runes. So I will recommend:You can choose fixed damage physical rune as seal which will provide 9 extra physical attack.Glyph and seal can select fixed magical defense and physical defense rune which will provide extra defense ability and stronger survivability for you.As to quintessence, I recommend physical attack quintessenceor fix physical attack quintessence. The two kinds of quintessencewill make you more forceful in late and early game respectively. You can also choose physical pierce which will enhance your damage. In Season 3, the calculation of physical pierce is changed which makes it more useful.That’s all for today’s analysis. As time goes by, more and more buildings will emerge. Hope my article will inspire more thoughts. And if you have any suggestions or questions, please let me know.  

Monday, March 11, 2013

A Brief View on LOL Patch 3.03

It has been a week since the launch of LOL Patch 3.03. We have different view over updated champions and their usage and win rate are changed. Now let’s see the statistics over these changes made by Spreek [Spreekaway] (NA). The data are from LOLKing. 


The sad mummy received some nerfs that made him even lonelier with what appears to be a large drop in pick rate. His win rate has also dropped slightly although it remains comfortably above 50%.Pick Rate: 8.1% --> 7.4%Win Rate: 54.5% --> 52.8%  


Ashe received a modest buff to her Attack Speed per level which seems to have led to a small increase in pick rate and win rate.Pick Rate: 8.0% --> 8.9%Win Rate: 50.0% --> 52.0% 


Darius lost some of his infamous lane snowballing power with a significant nerf to his ultimate (it now only resets for 12 seconds instead of fully resetting). This appears to have led to a large drop in pick rate and more modest drop in win rate.Pick Rate: 10.5% --> 8.8%Win Rate: 49.4% --> 49.0%  


Garen has received some nerfs to his base regen, his tankiness from Courage, and his abilities now have longer cast times. These changes seem to have devastated Garen's win rate and pick rate.Pick Rate: 15.7% --> 12.7%Win Rate: 53.8% --> 48.0%  


Hecarim was tweaked to improve his early game while somewhat diminishing his godlike late game. Since the changes, Hecarim seems to have dropped off slightly in popularity although his win rate remains fairly close to his pre-nerf status.Pick Rate: 19.5% --> 17.7%Win Rate: 54.4% --> 53.8% 


Janna received a modest buff to her mana cost on Monsoon. Her play rate remains about the same while her win rate appears to have increased slightly.Pick Rate: 9.7% --> 9.8%Win Rate: 53.0% --> 54.2%  


After receiving a lot of play at the LCS, Kayle received a set of nerfs which appear to have lowered her pick rate by quite a bit. However, her win rate remains only a little bit lower than pre-nerf.Pick Rate: 16.7% --> 13.0%Win Rate: 53.9% --> 53.4%  


Nidalee lost all of her bonus armor and MR in her cougar form. She remains quite popular, but her win rate appears to have plummeted quite far.Pick Rate: 21.9% --> 19.8%Win Rate: 50.25% --> 47.0% 


Taric received some tweaks to his passive and his armor aura. Although Riot seemed to intend these changes as a nerf, Taric appears to still be a popular (and very powerful) solo queue pick.Pick Rate: 55.5% --> 53.6%Win Rate: 56.3% --> 55.9%  


Tristana received a similar buff to Ashe (an increase in attack speed per level). Since the patch, her popularity and win rate appear to have exploded.** It's important to note that this data is also likely affected by the changes to BoTRK -- a very popular tristana item.Pick Rate: 11.7% --> 20.11%Win Rate: 46.6% --> 50.4%  


Tryndamere received huge nerfs to his AP build (since his heal no longer scales well with AP unless he has a lot of fury). Although many claim that AP tryn was unplayable after those nerfs (and indeed his play rate appears to have dropped significantly), his win rate seems to have settled quite a bit above 50% -- far higher than the win rate before AP tryndamere became popular.Pick Rate: 12.3% --> 4.7%Win Rate: 55.6% --> 53.7% 


Vayne received some modest buffs to her mana costs as well as her base mana to help improve her laning phase.** It's important to note that this data is also likely affected by the changes to BoTRK -- a very popular vayne item.Pick Rate: 15.4% --> 19.54%Win Rate: 45.6% --> 48.5%  


Vi received a suite of nerfs, including base AD reduction, the possibility of having her Q cancelled for a short time, and lower damage on her W at early levels. Her popularity and win rate seem to have suffered greatly as a result.Pick Rate: 19.2% --> 16.1%Win Rate: 51.1% --> 48.6%  

Xin Zhao

Xin Zhao also received a suite of nerfs to his base damages as well as his cooldowns. These seem to have lowered his pick rate and win rate by quite a bit.Pick Rate: 32.1% --> 26.32%Win Rate: 53.9% --> 51.2% 


Zed received some tweaks to his base damages where he lost damage on his E and gained that same damage back on his Q. This change does not appear to have changed very much about Zed's pick rate or win rate.Pick Rate: 9.1% --> 9.1%Win Rate: 47.8% --> 48.0% Items**Remember, item win rate is unreliable as a metric for judging the strength of an item (I've included it for curiosity's sake only.) 

Warmog's Armor

Warmogs received yet another nerf, this time to its passive regen component.Buy Rate: 14.2% --> 11.7%Win Rate: 58.4% --> 57.3% Blade Of The Ruined KingBlade of the Ruined King was reworked to give attack speed and be more of an AD carry item. The item shot up extremely quickly in popularity after release.** This data is from before the hotfix, so bear that in mind.Buy Rate: 4.6% --> 22.2%Win Rate: 58.9% --> 56.7% Spirit of the Elder LizardSpirit of the Elder Lizard received a small nerf to its damage that seems to have slightly lowered its buy rate.Buy Rate: 3.5% --> 3.1%Win Rate: 60.2% --> 58.3% 

Thursday, March 7, 2013

DOTA2: New STEAM Market Price Graph

Are you confused about when to trade? Well, Valve now adds DOTA2 price graph to make transaction more convenient.

DOTA2, STEAM, Trading Platform

Last year, as Valve added cash trading platform of build – in gaming items to STEAM, players could sell idle items such as ornaments, couriers and consumable to get STEAM wallet funds or purchase all kinds of strange things.

DOTA2, STEAM, Trading Platform

These days, Valve updated the stream community market and added a price graph so that players can check the price changes of certain item and sell items at a proper time. Go and experience it!

DOTA2 Special Rubik Spell Cast Movement

DOTA2 Special Rubik Spell Cast Movement:

DOTA2 Excellent Polycount Contest Works

DOTA2 Excellent Polycount Contest Works.Guys,have a look at these fantastic photos: 


Wednesday, March 6, 2013

The Most Popular DOTA2 Heroes

Everyone, today I will present the most popular heroes paintings among DOTA 2 players.Please have a look at to see if your favorite hero is among them:

Queen of Pain:

Strong survival; often solo mid; gank after level 6; strong gank ability; her ult has high damage in team fight.survival;

He's powerful in early and mid game. Often solos mid and ganks after level 6. Strong leading ability.


Late game hero. Jungle in early game. Steal roshan in mid game. He is with great DPS ability and tower pushing ability.

Guys, what's your favorite DOTA 2 hero?

DOTA2 Ranks First in RPG History of VALVE

Simultaneous users of DOTA2 on Steam now reach 297,010 and it exceeds that of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim – 287, 411. Half a month ago, its simultaneous users have reaches 280,000. And it rises again on March 1st and becomes the RPG game with the most players in the history of Valve.  DOTA2, Steam, Valve
 The data is provided by the forum user of Reddit. He even draws a tendency chart which shows that MOBA users are rising steadily and DOTA2 will keep the record in a certain amount of time.
 DOTA2, Steam, Valve
I believe these data will be increasingly higher if players love DOTA2 from the bottom of their hearts. 

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Gorgeous Female Champions In DOTA 2

Almost all female champions in DotA2 are beautified and I gather the six beauty champions here. Which one is your favorite? Please follow me and step into the beauty world of DotA2. Let’s vote for the most charmingbeauty champions in our hearts! Please click champion image to vote: 


Monday, March 4, 2013

DreamHack 2013 Coming Soon

DreamHack 2013 is just around the corner and 8 teams will compete on this event. Now let’s see the details:DOTA2, DreamHack
The DreamHack Dota2 Invitational presented by The GD Studio

The DreamHack Dota2 Invitational presented by The GD StudioThe big announcement was made via a video posted on DreamHack's youtube account bringing much hype to the community. With $6,000 up for grabs and featuring the biggest names in the scene right now, the DreamHack Dota 2 Invitational will sure to churn out some great games throughout March and April. Teams will be placed into two groups of four and will play each other for a spot in the playoffs. The top three placing teams will proceed to the playoffs with the top placing team of each group being seeded directly into the semi-finals. Bruno revealed on Reddit that the invitational would enable DotaTV. Up till now, we have no idea if a purchased ticket is needed to watch in-game or provided free of charge just like DreamHack Summer 2012.

Game Evolution between LOL and Dota 2

Dubai, the world well – known city will meet a large e – sports offline event and DotA2 is also among the event. Let’s expect the coming of the wonderful event together. Speaking of Dubai, we will first come up with finance and tourism. But the biggest city of the United Arab Emirates will meet a large e – sports offline event at the end of the year with the total prize pool $150,000. It contains three PC games - League of Legends, DOTA2 and CS:GO and two console games - FIFA 13 and Super Street Fighter IV. The event is planned to hold in November of this year and the location will be Dubai World Trade Centre! DOTA2, Dubai World Trade Centre, Game Evolution,LOL,CS The sponsor will name these two days (November 15th and November 16th) as Game Evolution because matches of DOTA2 and League of Legends will be held during these two days. The prize pool for DOTA2 will be $40,000 and that of League of Legends will be $60,000. Participants for three PC games are 20 teams respectively, including invited teams and 16 open registration slots. Registration starts Friday, March 1. Meanwhile, the committee also reveals that there will be a main stage for World Trade Centre to present matches to live audiences and the ticket will be $20 - $70. There will also be online live broadcast, and multiple HD live streams will be available so that players will be able to watch live broadcast for every game. It may be tight for proceeding of three games and 60 teams. But Game Evolution authority shows that they will arrange the most suitable and scientific schedule to ensure the smooth proceeding of the event. 

DotA2 Test Update

Weekly DOTA2 test update. It adds many practical functions instead of new champions. Mechanics for new players which has been expected for a long time is coming and the mechanics I is added this week! Meanwhile, players can practice AIoffline.

DOTA2,Test,Update- Added Mechanics I for new players!- Added 7 new item sets to the Dota store.- Immortal and Tournament items can now be traded on the Steam Community Market.GAMEPLAY- Clockwerk: Fixed Power Cogs pulling more than just heroes inside the cogs.- Huskar: Fixed Berserker's Blood not stacking at the proper health thresholds.- Keeper of the Light: Fixed Mana Leak accumulating mana loss during magic immunity.- Phantom Lancer: Fixed an issue where illusions made by a player on the other team would create uncontrollable Juxtapose illusions.- Tusk: Fixed a case where heroes with very small collision size could escape Ice Shards.- Tusk: Fixed a rare bug where teleporting could cause Walrus Punched units to end up in odd positions.- Fixed various aspects of Spectral Dagger logic being dispellable.- Fixed sometimes being revealed if your projectile hits the target after you become invisible with Shadow Blade.- Improved TP interaction with FoW.- Fixed two ledges (below the two rune spots) where you could get units stuck with Telekinesis and Vacuum.UI- Added the ability to examine chests.- Added a Game History tab to the Team Profile.- Added checkbox for filtering Live Games to just Team games.- You can now click on Team names in Live or Recent games to view their team profiles.- Added a post-game Match Quality survey panel.- Added an icon to backpack slots if that item is currently equipped.- Fixed the courier delivery icon popping when the courier collected stash items.- Fixed courier delivery being delayed by 0.5 seconds if there were no items to get from the stash.- Fixed courier move orders not clearing the transfer items buff icon.- Players can now set a custom rich presence status that can be displayed on the UI.- Fixed Lina's Fiery Soul buff not showing the correct cooldown if it was refreshed with 3 stacks.AUDIO/VISUAL- Updated Arc Lightning's visual effects and sound.- Updated Shadow Shaman's attack sound.- Updated Ether Shock's visual effects and sound.- Updated Mjollnir and Maelstrom visual effects.BOTS- When a push is happening into a base, global desire to farm is significantly decreased.- Fixed a case where bots far from the lane front could thrash into and out of Push Lane mode.- Single-player bot games now run locally on the user's machine.- Increased reaction time by about 50% in all modes.