Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Dota 2: Jakiro most played hero since 6.75

One month has passed since the somewhat drastic changes of the 6.75 DotA map have been implemented into Dota 2. Time to take a look on the impact of the patch on the picks and bans and their outcome.
169 matches have been analyzed by Dota Academy since 5 October, the day after the inclusion of 6.75 changes to Dota 2. From these 169 matches between 5 October and 5 November, 86 are assigned to the Western European region, 47 to the SEA region, 48 to the CIS region, 32 to China, 35 to America and 40 to other parts of the world. The sum of this certainly higher than 169, but matches were assigned to multiple regions if the teams played intercontinentally. Thanks to Dota Academy for providing the raw statistics for everyone.

Nature's Prophet has disappeared from the top banned heroes alongside Lycanthrope. While Lycanthrope might be a bit over-nerfed, Nature's Prophet was sort of the we additional ban while we had six bans in the first banning phase. Now he is not frightening enough to be banned in the first four and often doesn't fit anyway anymore after the first picking phase.
Where are Venomancer, Invoker and Morphling gone? Okay, Invoker and Morphling both have been nerfed with the 6.75 patch, so that was to be expected. Venomancer's downfall might have something to do with Jakiro's story of success. From zero to hero he goes with a single patch, suddenly becoming the most picked hero while not being over-buffed to let him become a must-ban-hero.

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