Thursday, July 12, 2012

Official: Matchmakings New AFK Detection Test

Hey guys,
In a few minutes we're going to turn on a new AFK detection feature we've been working on and we could use your help testing it out. The feature should help keep afk players out of champion select and give players the ability to decline a game that has been found for them. Please give the new feature a try and let us know if you like it or not and if you find any bugs with it.
Thanks guys!!
Here are some of the rules for the new system:
- When the queue pops, each player should receive a dialog box asking them to confirm or decline their newly found game.
- Players who click ACCEPT are shown real-time status markers for all other players in their game.
- When all 10 players click ACCEPT they are moved into champ select.
- If any player FAILS TO ACCEPT the game is canceled and one of the following should occur:
- Solo players who accepted are returned to the queue
- Solo players who declined or failed to make a choice are removed from the queue
- Arranged teams of any size whose members all accepted will be returned to the queue
- Arranged teams of any size who had one or more members decline will be returned to the arranged team lobby.
- Players should receive appropriate messaging if their game fails to start
- Players should NOT receive queue dodge or leaver penalties associated with declining a game or being AFK prior to entering champ select.
This seemingly simple change actually required some pretty involved changes in the code for our core game loop. If you see anything that doesn't seem to follow the above post (Or seems to act weird in any way), please let us know forthright! I'll be monitoring this thread closely.

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