Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Guild Wars 2 Column: Asura and Sylvari Review

We spent some time with the asura and sylvari during this past weekend's final Guild Wars 2 beta event before launch and today we're offering our thoughts on both!

Well there it goes, the last BWE for Guild Wars 2.  It sure was fun.  ArenaNet gave us all a chance to try out every race, and every profession.  Even though we could only reach a certain level, and explore only so much of the vast world of Tyria, we got a nice taste of the final product.  After finally getting a chance to play as Asura and Sylvari, I’m even more excited for this game’s release.

Ever since it was announced that we could choose different races in Guild Wars 2, I’ve had my heart set on making a Charr.  I know I’d make a Norn down the road, but I’d start with a Charr.  Well now I have to rework my plan.  I was really surprised at what the Asura brought to the game.   I always liked the Asura, but I never thought I could connect with one.  The Asura add some comic relief to the game.  Their sarcastic nature and experiments constantly blowing up bring much needed comedy to a world ruled by dragons and war.   The connection between me and my Asuran character happened almost instantly.

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