Wednesday, July 25, 2012

GALIO - [Jungle] Galio, the Boss of all Bosses.

So, why jungle Galio?
Because it works.
It's not like, he'd be the most awesome epic megaphat jungler of the world,

but he is truley a good one because of his awesome ganks and the tankyness/damage balancingthing.
If you build him on tanky AP, he deals quiet good damage and still is tanky for epic-diving-actions.

I just bought him (because he was cheap on RP lol, so I just got my daily with him and tried him twice as a jungler, and it worked well :D)

start Wolves/Blue get Wraiths, Wolves again
 Either you see the possibility to gank and get some srs feed
 just get Redbuff and Golems or Wraiths.
 You'll still be able to gank after full route, so use this opportunity!
DON'T FORGET to always jungle and clear camps for level up.

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