Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Witch Doctor’s Halloween Cosplay

 Diablo3 Witch Doctor’s Halloween Cosplay.The following Cosplay is from Instructables and the witch doctor costume is made by player andysmeech for the Halloween. Let’s appreciate together.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Run Gold in Diablo 3

Run Gold in Diablo 3
1. Steps of HC Inferno Run Gold with 10MP

A. Select Trailing the Coven of Inferno ACT1 8-1. Select Monster Power level 10.

B. Talk to Leah and then teleport to Wortham Chapel Cellar. Farm the whole Wortham until you reach Wortham Bluffs.

C. After you farm the last corpse, go back to town. Leave the game and then log in the game to farm again.

D. During the farming, you have chance to meet Rodger the Alchemist on the bridge of Wortham Bluffs selling half-price potions.

2. Select Skills and Equips

A. Skills:
Any skill with increasing movement speed stats is ok.

B. Equips:
a. increase movement speed: recommendation: all the ones with +12 movement speed that you can afford.
b. increase pickup range: this is easy.
c. increase gold find: this has to be tested by players, as a previous blue post seems to mention that GF and MF equips don’t work on environments any more.

PS: after patch 1.05 and before patch 1.05a, I did some tests (do the farming 10 times each with 250 GF and 550 GF), the result is the earning of 550 GF is almost twice of that of 250 GF. I don’t know whether it’s because I farm too few or GF still works on environments.

PS2: Inferno 10MP, +250 Gold Find, equips, Paragon level, Follower’s GF can help you reach GF 550.

3. Earning

A. My test character: with movement speed 23, pickup range 29, GF 550, Spirit Walk, Horrify whenever available, I have to spend 108 seconds for one farm. I earn 10,000 gold per farm. Thus I can farm 300,000 gold for 1 hour.

B. This is probably the most you can get.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Blizzard sues Diablo 3 Bot Developer

German Court of Hanburg, Germany sentences the bot program developer of Diablo 3 Auction House with 50.000€ fine or maximum 2 years’ detention up.

Summary of the court verdict:

The defendant is in the way of interlocutory prohibited, produce without the consent of the applicant to use a computer program, and / or publicly offer for download, that players of the computer game "Diablo III" can be used to by the applicant operated "Diablo III Auction House"

a) The search and observation of the offers on this auction platform and

b) The submission of bids, in this particular auction house offered Objects to automate.

Punishment: Administrative fine or detention up to 2 years maximum. The defendant shall pay the costs of litigation and the amount in controversy is €50,000.

Post of the developer:

i was trying to start a career in coding with this. the project taught me how to code my first lines and the progress has been very reassuring for how i look at myself and how it never seems too late to make a change in plans. i thought there was a place for me at home as a coder, being able to secure a future for my daughter. ive had to quit sdtudying medicine because of the illness and my daughter was the only reason why i worked the flesh off my bones instead of seeking stationary treatment in a clinic. i have not eaten or slept for days in a row (last sleep this morning 4h, before that 68h awake), only leaving the computer when either my bladder was forcing me to or my eyes kept falling shut. I usually introduced sleep after sitting at the pc for 2h of this state in which im half asleep but occasionally waiting up to try new ways of seeing through the blurry mess that my infected eyes presented to me. ive had to undo whole days of coding because of the failing thought processes. im ranting sorry guys, im at wits end. im just praying they dont A take my pc or B send me to jail. I really didnt think Blizzard would ever go this far.

See, i was gonna bring structure to the whole thing, but you gotta realize ive not been receiving any practical help and its the first coding project ive ever had. and ive been losing my mind as i have stressed so many times now. 3 days of the week were always limited to daddy-daughter time. ive only let that slide twice (two single days) in the past 3 yrs 3month. once when she was on vacation with her mum and once when i had the psy. break two weeks ago. the only one who showed support 100% of the time was my mod (later admin) Markus, very solid guy in case anyone is seeking someone like that. He was neither using the bot, nor asking for anything in return, just showing support throughout every single day, despite not knowing me before the project. even when i had my major psychotic break he never started judging. i really appreciate that. unfortunately he cant code and isnt very experienced with forum administration, just saying so "i received no practical help" wont seem like an offense to him if he reads this.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Patch 1.0.5 Inferno MP10 Barbarian Solo Butcher Kill

Although barbarian’s parkour playing way got nerfed in patch 1.0.5, he’s still so powerful.
Below is the video uploaded by wuckedf: Diablo 3 - inferno MP10 solo Butcher kill (ww Barbarian).

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Inferno Monster Damage Bonus Will Be Reduced

Blizzard announced that damage done by monster abilities was ultimately higher than they intended it to be since Monster Power is enabled. And it’s implementing a hotfix during normal Tuesday maintenance this week to reduce the scaling bonus to monster damage in Inferno difficulty.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Diablo III Gets Nominated for Ultimate Game of the Year

Diablo III is nominated for Ultimate Game of the Year from GameMaster's Golden Joystick Awards. For all of you Diablo fans, stop by and vote for the best game.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Diablo III Hotfixes - October

Below you'll find a list of hotfixes which address various gameplay and service issues affecting Diablo III. Hotfixes are updates we make on our end without requiring you to download a new patch. Some of the hotfixes below will go live the moment they are implemented, while others may require your realm to be restarted to go into effect. Please keep in mind that some issues cannot be addressed without a client-side patch update. We will continue to update this thread in the days ahead as additional hotfixes are applied.

October 18
Bug Fixes
Fixed a bug with the Reflects Damage monster affix that caused it to generate errors and deal no damage when triggered by a pet
Fixed a crash that could occur when Arcane Enchanted monsters spawned their arcane beams in locations outside of the game world
Fixed a crash that could occur when "uber" Skeleton King (in the Realm of Discord) or "uber" Rakanoth (in the Realm of Chaos) teleported outside of the game world
Fixed a crash that could occur when "uber" Siege Breaker (in the Realm of Turmoil) used his Roar attack while holding a player in mid-air

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Dota 2 Soundtrack Recording Session

Different with normal game developers who use computers to compose the theme music, Valve hires professional band to play in the cathedral and record. With such an excelsior attitude, how can they not produce an excellent game?

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The Correct Way to Access Heretic’s Abode

Diablo 3 patch 1.0.5is now available. Players can login to the new game by updating their clients. Some players said they cannot find Heretic’s Abode to access Inferno Machine. Grimiku explained players have to select the correct quest to open the door.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

New Event: The Infernal Machine

Ready for a double dose of diabolical danger? In patch 1.0.5, level 60 players will be able to forge a cursed construct called the Infernal Machine, allowing them to battle "uber" versions of some of the most malevolent mischief-makers this side of New Tristram…in pairs. While the rewards for defeating these extra-bad bosses will be great, some assembly is required.
Read on to find out how to craft the Infernal Machine, where it can be used, and what epic rewards await those brave enough to unlock its secrets. 

Monday, October 15, 2012

Diablo 3 Fan Art Review

This is the review of Diablo 3 fan art. We believe the classical fan art must evoke your memory, right?

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Shock News: Blizzard Wanted a Diablo for Gameboy?

Fmulder points us to this week’s Shacknews piece previewing David Craddock’s upcoming Blizzard North book drops the interesting and slightly horrifying fact that Blizzard North briefly considered developing a Diablo project for the Gameboy. Quote:
 Following Diablo 2s release, Blizzard North split into two teams kind of, Craddock said. One team immediately started in on D2s expansion set, Lord of Destruction. The other team went into spitball mode, kicking around ideas for a new IP. But several other developers ventured into groups of two or three and put together proposals for smaller projects. One of those was given the working title Diablo Junior, a game tentatively planned for the Game Boy Color and/or the Game Boy Advance, depending on market share and other business-y factors.
 “Diablo Junior was intended as a single-player-only prequel to the original game. Taking a page from Pokémon’s book, the team wanted to release three cartridges, each packing a different hero in the warrior-rogue-sorcerer vein as well as items that players would have to trade for in order to collect. Heroes started in a unique town before heading into dungeons and wilderness zones. Diablo Junior was ultimately put out to pasture (absent of cow levels, I’m sure) because of the steep production costs associated with developing handheld games.”
The preview also mentions post-LoD plans for a second D2 expansion which would have focused on adding multiplayer features, including Guild Halls. Those were long-planned and were actually playable pre-release; we saw a functional version during our visit to Blizzard North in 2000, but they were never developed fully enough to implement into Diablo II. Nor Diablo III, at least not so far.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Dota2:HOT TEN of the last week of StarSeries

Starladder presents edition "HOT TEN", related to HOT TEN of the last week of StarSeries that was hold from the 28th September till the 3rd of October.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Final West Qualifier: EG vs NTN

At the Final of qualifier games of The Electronic Sports World Cup we will see the battle between EG and No Tidehunter.
What is more surprising, US team lost no one game playing against  Clan Poland and   Skanes Elit in quarter-finale and semi-final respectively.
From another tournament bracket, team  No Tidehunter easily defeated Uebelst with the score 2-0. Further, playing with Moscow Five they lost the first game, but gathered their strength and won next two games

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Dota 2 update

·         Added Magnus!
·         Enabled Team creation.
·         Made all 6.75b Parity changes
·         Added around 150 new items to the store.
·         Ability tooltips are now more precise about what kind of units they can target.
·         Fixed basic courier movement speed being too low.
·         Lowered the tankiness threshold for doing Roshan..
·         Bots now only save for buyback later in games, and now save the proper amount.
·         Lich bot will no longer cast Chain Frost on a single target that’s about to die or that is able to blink away.
·         Skeleton King bot is now better about saving mana for Reincarnate.
·         Improved Windrunner bot’s Shakleshot usage (she will now take into account unit movement).
·         Bots will no longer have any desire to farm while they are temporarily invisible.
·         Added support for selling/dropping situational items when necessary (wards, dust, etc).
·         Adjusted Skeleton King and Dragon Knight bots’ loadouts.
·         Bots will now scale their attack desire on non-heroes based on how dangerous they think the unit is.
·         Bots will now harass hero-like units (ie. Spirit Bear) when laning.
·         Bots will now consider trying to kill hero-like units.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Please Treat the Duel Wield 2-Handed Weapons Bug Rationally

More and more Diablo 3 players start to make use of the duel wield two-handed weapons bug.
(Can equip 2 two-handed weapons at the same time and have both weapons’ stats which
increase the DPS greatly)

However, since Blizzard can check your character profile easily, once they start to block accounts,
those who make use of the bug will definitely be punished.
Even if you were not found out by Blizzard, you must have to spend a lot of money on the extra
300% crit damage. Will you invest thousands of money in a bug which may be fixed any time?