Sunday, October 28, 2012

Blizzard sues Diablo 3 Bot Developer

German Court of Hanburg, Germany sentences the bot program developer of Diablo 3 Auction House with 50.000€ fine or maximum 2 years’ detention up.

Summary of the court verdict:

The defendant is in the way of interlocutory prohibited, produce without the consent of the applicant to use a computer program, and / or publicly offer for download, that players of the computer game "Diablo III" can be used to by the applicant operated "Diablo III Auction House"

a) The search and observation of the offers on this auction platform and

b) The submission of bids, in this particular auction house offered Objects to automate.

Punishment: Administrative fine or detention up to 2 years maximum. The defendant shall pay the costs of litigation and the amount in controversy is €50,000.

Post of the developer:

i was trying to start a career in coding with this. the project taught me how to code my first lines and the progress has been very reassuring for how i look at myself and how it never seems too late to make a change in plans. i thought there was a place for me at home as a coder, being able to secure a future for my daughter. ive had to quit sdtudying medicine because of the illness and my daughter was the only reason why i worked the flesh off my bones instead of seeking stationary treatment in a clinic. i have not eaten or slept for days in a row (last sleep this morning 4h, before that 68h awake), only leaving the computer when either my bladder was forcing me to or my eyes kept falling shut. I usually introduced sleep after sitting at the pc for 2h of this state in which im half asleep but occasionally waiting up to try new ways of seeing through the blurry mess that my infected eyes presented to me. ive had to undo whole days of coding because of the failing thought processes. im ranting sorry guys, im at wits end. im just praying they dont A take my pc or B send me to jail. I really didnt think Blizzard would ever go this far.

See, i was gonna bring structure to the whole thing, but you gotta realize ive not been receiving any practical help and its the first coding project ive ever had. and ive been losing my mind as i have stressed so many times now. 3 days of the week were always limited to daddy-daughter time. ive only let that slide twice (two single days) in the past 3 yrs 3month. once when she was on vacation with her mum and once when i had the psy. break two weeks ago. the only one who showed support 100% of the time was my mod (later admin) Markus, very solid guy in case anyone is seeking someone like that. He was neither using the bot, nor asking for anything in return, just showing support throughout every single day, despite not knowing me before the project. even when i had my major psychotic break he never started judging. i really appreciate that. unfortunately he cant code and isnt very experienced with forum administration, just saying so "i received no practical help" wont seem like an offense to him if he reads this.

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