Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Run Gold in Diablo 3

Run Gold in Diablo 3
1. Steps of HC Inferno Run Gold with 10MP

A. Select Trailing the Coven of Inferno ACT1 8-1. Select Monster Power level 10.

B. Talk to Leah and then teleport to Wortham Chapel Cellar. Farm the whole Wortham until you reach Wortham Bluffs.

C. After you farm the last corpse, go back to town. Leave the game and then log in the game to farm again.

D. During the farming, you have chance to meet Rodger the Alchemist on the bridge of Wortham Bluffs selling half-price potions.

2. Select Skills and Equips

A. Skills:
Any skill with increasing movement speed stats is ok.

B. Equips:
a. increase movement speed: recommendation: all the ones with +12 movement speed that you can afford.
b. increase pickup range: this is easy.
c. increase gold find: this has to be tested by players, as a previous blue post seems to mention that GF and MF equips don’t work on environments any more.

PS: after patch 1.05 and before patch 1.05a, I did some tests (do the farming 10 times each with 250 GF and 550 GF), the result is the earning of 550 GF is almost twice of that of 250 GF. I don’t know whether it’s because I farm too few or GF still works on environments.

PS2: Inferno 10MP, +250 Gold Find, equips, Paragon level, Follower’s GF can help you reach GF 550.

3. Earning

A. My test character: with movement speed 23, pickup range 29, GF 550, Spirit Walk, Horrify whenever available, I have to spend 108 seconds for one farm. I earn 10,000 gold per farm. Thus I can farm 300,000 gold for 1 hour.

B. This is probably the most you can get.

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