Monday, February 18, 2013

DOTA2: Analysis on Tusk Updated Skills

Not long ago, Valve added the champion – TUSK who possesses the lovely appearance. Players love the champion! Compared to Dota, there are some changes on his skills, or more specifically, his W skill. Now let’s analyze the updated skills in Dota 2.DOTA2, Tusk, Skill
In DOTA2, TUSK’s W makes him the team fight initiator. Compared to DOTA, his W can now makes Tusk and any nearby allied heroes roll in a quickly growing snowball towards the target enemy unit which increases the number of participants. We are not sure whether it’s good or bad. Maybe we will see the godlike Tusk in wonderful moments later, or gooselike Tusk in funny clips! Now let’s see what other champions’ ult will do to Tusk’s W during the rolling process: 1. Tusk rolls with Tidehunter. Can Tidehunter cast his ult?2. Will the snowball vanish if Faceless Void casts his ult while Tusk is rolling? Will Faceless Void hit Tusk if the snowball still exists?3. Can Faceless Void’s ult control Tusk’s E?4. Is Tusk invulnerable during the rolling process? Here are the results after tests:1. Tidehunter can’t cast skills during the rolling process, and his skill will be cast automatically after the snowball breaks.2. Faceless Void’s ult won’t affect Tusk’s Snowball, but he and his allies will be controlled after the snowball breaks.3. Faceless Void’s ult won’t affect Tusk’s Frozen Sigil and Tusk can move as he likes.4. Tusk is invulnerable during the rolling process. Neither Twin Headed Dragon’s nor Lesale’s ults affect Tusk’s W. During the process, Tusk is free from damage. There’s another question which draws players’ attention: how does Rubick cast after he steals Tusk’s ult?The answer is that Rubick can cast Tusk’s ult in a ranged area. It’s interesting. Seems that we will see Tusk often in later video clips!

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