Thursday, August 2, 2012

Interview the Tiny Master of Evil-- Nyjacky

Players all know that the tiny master of evil is Nyjacky. As a mid AP player of Team Curse, he is interviewed by us today.
: Hello and thank you for agreeing to conduct this interview with me. Can you please introduce yourself to us?
: Hi, my nick is Nyjacky, im 24 years old. And I'm still in college. I'm the ap mid for Team Curse. I was a WoW player before and I have been playing LoL for almost 1 year.
:How did you get into this game and ended up joining curse?
: I picked up LoL because of my WoW friends, we left WoW cuz we were so tired about the 24/7 raiding. I used to be in the same team with Christian 'TheRainMan' Kahmann on Team No.1 before I joined Curse. After a while, Chaox invited me to join Team SoloMid, so I asked my team for opinions and our team captain (The Rain Man) was like, “Hell no man!! Stay with us, they suck”. Guess what, like one week later, The Rain Man just left our team and joined TSM without
saying anything. After that Curse asked me and Pobelter to join them and we did. We were getting noticed back then I guess, I was about 2200 on solo queue and did a lot of scrimming.

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