Sunday, July 22, 2012

5.0 Pet Quality Distinguish: Higher Stats, Better Quality

In the pet battle system of Mist and Pandarian, pets’ qualities are different. Higher quality pet can level up faster.   How to distinguish a pet’s quality?  Here I have a method to calculate rare pet with a macro.   Previously I calculate with the formula (health/5+speed+attack)/level. It is correct though the result is not that accurate. I minus 100 from health in the above formula after I saw a post on the forum. Actually the principle is the stats added when level up are fixed. Take a fog as example. Its initial stats are health 181, attack 15, and speed 14. Actually every time it levels up, the stats added are 81/15/14 (there are decimals. That’s why the result is not accurate).   ((health-100)/5+speed+attack)/level=~ 50 Blue (above 50 is blue, usually around 52)45 green (around 45 is green)40 normal (around 38~40 is white)Gray is around 31~32   I suggest you to use this macro before the battle. Number 1, 2 and 3 refer to the pet display order. Even though the pet’s position changes in the battle, its number will not change.   /run local M="";local U=2;local C=C_PetBattles;for i=1,3 do local L=((C.GetMaxHealth(U,i)-100)/5+C.GetSpeed(U,i)+C.GetPower(U,i))/C.GetLevel(U,i)if L>50 then M=i.."number is blue"elseif(L>44)then M=i.."number is green"end;print(M)end;print(M~=""and "" or "these pets are white and gray")   It’s a very easy macro. You can set a hotkey for it like alt+X ctrl+x shift+x.   Enter the pet battle and press hotkey. The message will be sent out in chat window. Only above green will be hinted.   Note: pet’s stats will change in the battle, e.g. fly pet’s speed will increase. So macro is not 100% correct.ect.

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