Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Smash Bros director makes apologies for deleting characters

The game Smash Bros is coming soon for Wii U and 3DS. In the announced roster, many familiar faces are included, but don't expect every character from previous games to come back. Director Masahiro Sakurai is apologizing to fans in advance about potentially lost characters. "We're going to put in as many characters as we can, we really want to do that, because it's good for the fans and good for all of us," he said. "But in the event that we do have to cut some characters, I'd like to apologize in advance to those fans."

Sakurai told NowGamer that he doesn't expect every character to return simply because "we don't have the time to fully recreate every single character who's been in Smash Bros at this point." He points out that "adding new characters is not a simple addition--it's really multiplication. The amount of work, adding a character is multiplied and becomes bigger and bigger as you go."

Until now, all entries in the series have had a larger roster. But there are still some roles cut in favor of new ones over the years. For example, Dr. Mario, Mewtwo, Pichu, Roy, and Young Link were all cut when the franchise jumped from Gamecube to Wii. If the next Smash Bros does end up cutting a few characters, we do have a suggestion: one of the three Star Fox characters, perhaps?

From gameguyz.com 

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