Thursday, November 8, 2012

Interview with Vladimir PGG Anosov

After break-up of a new team TR,  Vladimir “ PGG ” Anosov actively begun to learn stream craft and literally in a week became one the most popular streamer in CIS with a stable audience more than 2000 viewers. From the interview with Navi-Gaming, you will know a lot of backstage details of The International 2, about modern European Dota and plans for the future.

Hello Vova! It`s already passed two month after The International 2, two teams M5 and TR broke-up,  now you don`t play with any of them. So, here is the question – What is your occupation now?
Hello. I decided to take a rest from Dota and now I`m ready for new deeds. I didn`t get invitation from already existing teams, that`s why I gather “New team” in the rear. .)
 What happened with TR and why didn`t you get high-sky success at the Starladder 3 and the others tournaments?
Everything was great with TR, we gathered the team of the friends who more or less understand how to play this game, but everything went wrong. TR didn’t play others tournament.
Who can you describe current relations with Vigoss, Admir, Silent and BloodAngle after breaking up of the original M5?
We are still friends with some of them, but after The International 2 I made the conclusions of others teammates and stopped to communicate with them at all. Totally every man for himself, we don`t play with each other at the same team any more.
In common what can you tell about Moscow 5 as an organization? Did you follow the games of a new team and was it surprise for you that they also broke-up?
I wouldn`t like answer the first part of a question. As for breaking-up: that was expectable they played with the mixed teams. After TI2 only Na`Vi continued to play with the same line-up and it wasn`t surprising that the well-coordinated team defeated mixed groups. For the best players of M5 the breaking-up is the great advantage but for the worth of them it is the disadvantage. :)
So why did you leave professional Dota 2 after breaking-up of the TR? Please tell us what has happened in your life? May be you found a job and became highly-paid psychologist or HR manager.
The ТR didn`t break-up :). Simply I think that it`s not worth to lose more games not playing with a good team. Almost nothing has changed I just moved to the St. Petersburg to closer with my girlfriend.
At one of your streams you mentioned that would like to play with Danish teams (MiGGel and Angel), and finally you changed your mind. Was it true? If it was true, so why wouldn`t you play with them? Whom would you prefer to play within one team?
Yeah, that is true but after lasting negotiations we left this question unsolved. Present day neither I nor they play. :) If to talk about new teammates – soon you will know about them!

At finale days of The International 2 some of our YouTube channel’s viewers could enjoy your talent as a reviewer. Didn`t you think to continue yours carrier in Dota 2 as a reviewer?
I don`t give up like this :). Vilata & co already suggested me to cooperate with them but I answered that I`m player. Moreover I don`t even think of it till I completely fail as a player ;)

Being player and participant of The International 2 what can you tell about it? Was it simply fortune that Na`Vi took the silver and became the only non-Asian team in Top 8 of the tournament?
TI2 was the best tournament that I`ve ever participated at. Na`Vi got the drive, won the Chinese teams and were so amazing that even opponents became the fans of them)) I`m sure that is not simple fortune.
As far as I remember you was really good at chess, played at the tournament of Moscow and regional arena. What attracted you in chess and did you find any similarities of chess to Dota? For example, at the phase of pick, bans etc.
You are wrong) I wasn`t so good at chess. Of course, there are some similarities, but knight in Dota is more mobile than chess` one.

Have you ever played poker? If yes, so did you succeeded in it?
I did, but I didn`t get real success. :)
Why Russian Dota players still didn`t kick ass of Chinese one? :)
That is all because of players` condition.
Do you a have plan to change this tendency? ;)
Somebody should to do this. Why not me? It`s the matter of time, let it be our secret.
What are you ready to give up for the win at The International 3?
I`m ready to waste one more summer playing Dota and may be spring and autumn! ;)

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