Monday, November 12, 2012

iG are on the Top!

Transfer from Dota to Dota 2 and diverse is really stressful experience for every team! "What`s the difference?" – you can say. Nevertheless they are two different games, which are supposed to be played in different ways. More over it seems that being at the top of their career, the team will never decay! Taking into account that the members of the team were together for more than one year, one can surely say that they`ve done a lot for such a short period!
Let`s take a look at their achievements.

They got into the list of Sendi Mutiara Multimedia tournament`s participants in December 2011, but the team wasn`t considered as the potential winner. Though,  iG managed to demonstrate their superiority over main opponent,! For the victory at the tournament  iG got18.000$ and the right to be named as the best team of DotA arena!

After heavily loaded season,  iG faced with  DK! At the final games which were hold according to the rules of bo5 system, teams won matches one by one. The first match iG won, the 2nd -  DK, the 3rd -  iG, the 4th -  DK, and in the last match  iG defeated opponent, and won the main tournament prize 31.500$.

At group stage they performed excellent game! 13 win and only 1 lose! Then they played with  Na'Vi, who kicked  iG out of W table right into L table. Then iG began to smash the teams one by one and at the final game of L table they faced with   LGD, whom they defeated with the score 2-1. In the result, the final game of TI2 became the rematch in which  iG played-up  Na'Vi and won 1.000.000$ and got the "Aegis of the Immortals" as a trophy!!!

At the semi-final they played-up  Dt^Club with the score 2-0. They smashed-up LGD with the score 2-0 at the final leaving them no chance for the victory. Won 31,670$ as a reward and sword in addition to the shield from TI2. Are the iG`s players really so strong? Did the Seattle really become the turning point of the professional Dota 2 arena? It is not obvious yet.

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