Friday, February 22, 2013

Thursday, February 21, 2013

DOTA2 Guide on Dark Seer

Although Dark Seer gets nerfed to some extent in recent version, he’s still imbalanced due to his powerful ability to interrupt positions and easy to cooperation. If you play Dark Seer in the right way, you will master the essence of team fight.
DOTA2, Dark Seer,Guide
Pros & Cons:Pros: Dark Seer is a champion with high mobility. The super high damage dealt by Ion Shell in early game is the nightmare of most champions and Surge makes him hard to kill. As an intelligence champion, he fits Mekansm well as it buffs the team more and it makes Dark Seer flexible and hard to suppress on lane.Cons: Although Dark Seer is an intelligence champion, he also lacks of mana in early and mid game and needs mana regen items. He needs to upgrade to a certain level, or he can hardly play a role in mid and late game.
Items:Dark Seer often plays position 2 or 3, so survival and support items will be good for him.Tank items: Vanguard, Hood of Defiance, Flute, Plate Mail, Shiva's GuardSupport items: Arcane Boots, Mekansm, FluteFirst equips items to enter the combat. After you equip some tank items, buy the Blink Dagger so that you can cast skill first.
Lanes:Top lane: due to his excellent escape, Dark Seer is hard to be killed on top lane. Bring Tango, Healing Salve with you, select three Iron Branches and save the rest money or buy several Clarities. You can watch the opponent circumstance after reaching top lane: if there are two powerful control champions protecting the carry to farm and you can’t gain the money from minions, you can surround minions with bristling shield. In this way, the lane may be quickly under opponent tower but you can still get money. If opponent is melee, you can use Ion Shell to deal damage to him; if opponent support lacks of control, you can also deal damage to him and deal last hit with Ion Shell. One thing you should remember: don’t learn skills at level 1. You can upgrade Ion Shell if you’re safe and upgrade Surge to escape if you’re in danger. When you’re at level 2, you need to upgrade Ion Shell and Surge and major in Ion Shell later. After level 1 or 2 Surge, you can minor in Vacuum. Don’t learn the ult before level 11 since it costs much mana.
Jungle Dark Seer: equip Stout Shield and items to regen health and mana as starting items. Consecutively cast Ion Shell to quicken the farm speed. You can also surround field monsters with bristling shield when encountering powerful field monsters so that your farm efficiency will be improved a lot. Pay attention to the circumstance of mid and bottom lane when farming and choose whether to assist or not.
Notes:Cooperation: If Dark Seer surrounds allied aggressive champions (such as Night Stalker and Nessaj) in team fight or when he ganks, it will be better.Application of twin Ion Shell: While pushing lane, surrounding yourself and allied melee minions with bristling shield will quicken pushing speed.When you decide to surround minions with bristling shield, don’t choose the melee minions in front so that the shield can last longer.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

DOTA 2 Cross-dresser Show

Click here to see such more amazing artworks.

DOTA 2 : FLUFF Interview

Recently Raid Call Dota 2 League interviewed FLUFF from Team Liquid. Below is the detailed information:One of the most interesting young minds in western Dota 2Team Liquid's Brian 'FLUFF' Lee has sat down for an interview with D2L's Justin 'Clever' Groot to talk about his new teams development, growing pains, their recent record at the D2L and some of his thoughts on hero balance. Here are some excerpts, enjoy! DOTA2, Team Liquid, FLUFF All of TL’s Dota 2 roster had experience playing together as part of complexity’s team except for Bulba and Korok. How are they assimilating into the team? Bulba and Korok fit right in. Mike has been really good friends with the both of them and there was only a slight bit of awkwardness in the beginning. As far as teamplay goes, the addition of Korok and Bulba has offered our team a versatility that was previously unachievable. I feel that it gives our team an edge because of the curve balls we can throw, as opposed to our very standardized complexity-style drafts and lanes. Korok understands his role very well and I feel that I can trust his in-game decision making ability. Bulba is very thoughtful and considers several different options to impact the game. I really enjoy the new perspectives and they significantly strengthen our core. At this point, it’s all about playing to our strengths and patching up our weaknesses.  Despite your youth, you’re the captain of one of the most prominent Dota 2 teams in the world. How do you handle all the pressure? The pressure is immense, for sure. In the past I would take all the blame and it affected me a lot. I fell into a really terrible pattern of thinking up really creative strategies and then indefinitely discarding them after losing once or twice. I always believed it was draft over play, simply because it was a lot easier to criticize. Teams always want to believe that drafts make the games, but they always forget to account for mistakes and playing to their lineups potential. For example, a team might pick more for split-pushing and ganking, but they might feel pressured to respond to enemy pushes. Then they get confused and ask for reinforcements via tp and take fights where their heroes do not shine. You wouldn’t want an early game storm to fight 5v5 against a Chen, Beastmaster, Tidehunter, Luna, and Venomancer lineup. So they end up responding to fights where their heroes don’t shine and then blame the losses on picks, instead of pushing sidelanes for pressure and picking heroes off to slow their pace. This has happened to us multiple times, but these days we realize why our approach was flawed rather than discarding the ideas themselves. As for how I deal with the pressure, I just take a lot of time to reflect and think. I like reading about philosophy and self-development. I’m very introspective approach to life and it helps me keep calm. Ultimately though, experience is king and I would still be just as weak if I didn’t commit to being a leader. Actualizing ideals is the best way to progress, in my eyes.  If you had to play a Best-of-99 against Empire, what do you think the final score would be? I honestly don’t know. I’d imagine if it was all in “one day”, then we’d lose all of them after getting tired and losing all momentum. If it were spread out over a week or two, then we’d definitely find our footing and understand how to play their game. It’s the same way with and their scrimming results in China. I asked Brax about it, in person, and he told me that they simply couldn’t win for a long while. Their recent results speak leaps and bounds about how work ethic, practice and the proper environment can spur on success.  Are there currently any heroes that, in your view, need to be buffed? If so, which ones, and why? I find it really questionable that our support heroes are simply solo mid heroes that can get away with having nothing. From patch to patch we see core heroes getting massive buffs and supports like Crystal Maiden/Witch Doctor remaining virtually untouched. A lot of the older core supports are being phased out because their abilities simply aren’t as good. I don’t know how, but there has to be a way to make these heroes much more relevant. Here’s an example, Earthshaker, one of my favorite champions can hardly hit two effective fissures in one teamfight. It would make him much more effective to reduce the cooldown of his Fissures, instead, he received a buff to enchant totem which he hardly lands as a support. But a champion Gyrocopter or Sven can be a support since their abilities are buffed greatly.Sources: RaidCall Dota 2 League 

Cool DOTA 2 Champions Show

     Click here to see more DOTA 2 artworks. 

Monday, February 18, 2013

DOTA2: Analysis on Tusk Updated Skills

Not long ago, Valve added the champion – TUSK who possesses the lovely appearance. Players love the champion! Compared to Dota, there are some changes on his skills, or more specifically, his W skill. Now let’s analyze the updated skills in Dota 2.DOTA2, Tusk, Skill
In DOTA2, TUSK’s W makes him the team fight initiator. Compared to DOTA, his W can now makes Tusk and any nearby allied heroes roll in a quickly growing snowball towards the target enemy unit which increases the number of participants. We are not sure whether it’s good or bad. Maybe we will see the godlike Tusk in wonderful moments later, or gooselike Tusk in funny clips! Now let’s see what other champions’ ult will do to Tusk’s W during the rolling process: 1. Tusk rolls with Tidehunter. Can Tidehunter cast his ult?2. Will the snowball vanish if Faceless Void casts his ult while Tusk is rolling? Will Faceless Void hit Tusk if the snowball still exists?3. Can Faceless Void’s ult control Tusk’s E?4. Is Tusk invulnerable during the rolling process? Here are the results after tests:1. Tidehunter can’t cast skills during the rolling process, and his skill will be cast automatically after the snowball breaks.2. Faceless Void’s ult won’t affect Tusk’s Snowball, but he and his allies will be controlled after the snowball breaks.3. Faceless Void’s ult won’t affect Tusk’s Frozen Sigil and Tusk can move as he likes.4. Tusk is invulnerable during the rolling process. Neither Twin Headed Dragon’s nor Lesale’s ults affect Tusk’s W. During the process, Tusk is free from damage. There’s another question which draws players’ attention: how does Rubick cast after he steals Tusk’s ult?The answer is that Rubick can cast Tusk’s ult in a ranged area. It’s interesting. Seems that we will see Tusk often in later video clips!

Recent Big DOTA 2 Bug

Recently there are hot discussions over Ymir and someone cooperates Tusk’s Snowball with Wisp’s teleport skill. Some players think it’s a BUG while others take the opposite view. They think they only make use of the skill effect. And if this is a bug, so does multiple monsters drawing and Rubick’s throwing enemies into dead corners. Now let’s watch the video together and see whether or not it’s a BUG.

Mass Global TP Trick Tusk+Wisp Dota 2 Advanced Guide [HD]

Dota 2 Symphony of Skills 10: Cooperation Between Alleria and Goblin Shredder

DOTA2 authority launches Dota 2 Symphony of Skills 10 of this week and players can learn a lot from the video. The terrific cooperation between Alleria and Goblin Shredder shows us operation and judgment of masters. Now let’s enjoy the wonderful video together.

DOTA 2 Heroes Concept Art Show

More DOTA 2 concept art pictures here.

DOTA2 Folk Artist Works

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Gaming House Founded by Natus Vincere

Natus Vincere is a world renowned professional team which was formed in December, 2009. It develops fast and quickly becomes the world famous professional team.

Collectively, Na’Vi members gained a podium finish at 53 separate events, cumulative over $1.7 million prize money, and over 500,000 fans through Facebook, YouTube and Twitter during the last three years. In 2010, their Counter-Strike 1.6 team made history by sweeping three major tournaments in a single year – the Electronic Sports World Cup, World Cyber Games, and Intel Extreme Masters – while their DotA 2 team collected one of the largest prizes in eSports history after winning Valve’s first 'International' tournament back in 2011. They’ve since expanded to both StarCraft 2 and FIFA, and are single-handedly building an unshakable reputation for Ukrainian gamers worldwide.Below is the interview content about Natus Vincere’s forming gaming house by ESEA News:“Why do you think you have such a large fan base in the US?We would like to believe this is because of the outstanding skill level of our teams and players, as well as our record of tournament victories. Other than that, all of our players are really bright and versatile personalities, both in e-Sports and real life.Whereabouts in the US have you been looking? Are there any particular states or cities that have taken your interest?Right now we are thinking of the US West, somewhere like Los Angeles or San Francisco. We believe that this region is exceptionally healthy for progaming, as it has a good transport hub to attend all the events in the country and its climate is just so good! Our concept of a gaming house includes not only bedrooms and gaming zones for players, but also recreational areas such as a pool, gym, sun’n’surf volleyball and so on. We firmly believe that outdoor sports are a very important aspect of professional gaming and that’s why we would like to provide such opportunities for our players. Moreover, we will be able to produce decent video and live-streaming content from our US gaming house, showing the way of life of our players.When are you planning to move, and which of your players are likely to be staying in the house?Right now it is too early to discuss dates, but this is something we plan for 2013. Our initial idea was to bring one of our teams to the US for a certain period of time (approximately 3-4 months), then to bring another team for the same period, and so on. This will allow us to have a rotation of gaming squads between our European and US gaming houses, which would boost our presence and influence in both regions. Of course, we will have to adjust to the schedule of tournaments and leagues, so this plan may be subjected to certain changes.”

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Famous DOTA 2 Player Vigoss Left

Russian famous DOTA 2 player Vigoss suddenly announced to leave el'Pride for some private reasons. His leave really made the team in panic. And now there is still no information about his return to DotA. In this period, Tumat from Aydash'Aidash will take his place in the following matches.

Current el'Pride Roster:

Andrew 'androidP' Pishikov
Leonard 'Massacre' Urih9
Alexander "Stalk' Melder
Eugen 'XaKoH" Kochetkov
Aydash 'Aidash' Tumat (temporary replacement)

eL' Pride is a relatively newly formed team that emerged in the past months. They have been putting up promising performances, participating in many tournaments, such as StarLadder Season 5.

DOTA2 Freehand Champions Show

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